Before the four defendants in New York's World Trade Center bombing trial were sentenced, Ed Smith told how his life changed when his pregnant wife died in the explosion. Part of what he said: "I would never get the chance to tell Monica how much I loved her. We would never get to hear Eddie say his first word, to say `Mommy,' `Daddy.' We would never see Eddie grow up and experience all the love and respect ... that parents share with a child. We lost all this because the four men you are to sentence today wanted to terrorize the people of the United States. What type of person shows no regard for human life and would bomb the most populated buildings in the world? What god would want people to die in his name? We, who have buried our dead without a chance to lay a comforting hand on their heads, ask that you remember this bombing was an act of multiple murder. "Lastly, to those who committed this act ... remember this day ... and remember these names. They will follow you always. Robert Kirkpatrick, husband, uncle, friend, born 1933, died Feb. 26, 1993 ... William Macko, husband, father, born 1946, died Feb. 26, 1993 ... John DiGiovanni, son, uncle, friend, born 1948, died Feb. 26, 1993 ... Wilfredo Mercado, son, father, husband, born 1956, died Feb. 26, 1993 .. Monica Rodriguez Smith, daughter, wife, expectant mother, best friend, born 1959, died Feb. 26, 1993." Judge Kevin Duffy gave each defendant 240 years with no chance of parole.