By Nanci Hellmich Moviegoers are reeling from the news that movie popcorn is loaded with saturated fat, which raises blood cholesterol. Even movie critic Roger Ebert says he's "blindsided by the news." He has lost 60 pounds in 16 months on the Pritikin program, but thinks he might have lost more if he'd passed on the popcorn. He usually eats most of a medium bag of unbuttered once a week. Now he'll stick to air-popped and low-fat microwave popcorn at home. The report from the Center for Science in the Public Interest found that even a 16-cup serving of unbuttered popcorn has 901 calories and 43 grams of cholesterol-raising fat. Reason: Many theaters use coconut oil, high in saturated fat. Moviegoers' reactions: -- Bill Lewis, 51, Jacksonville, Fla., who says he has cardiovascular disease, eats two big tubs of popcorn at the movies about twice a week. "I'm really upset. I thought it was healthy because of the fiber." -- But Leslee Jacobs, 50, Montrose, N.Y., says, "We're increasingly being subjected to fear about foods we enjoy most. When I go to the movies, I want to have that popcorn." Theaters' responses: -- Howard Lichtman of the Cineplex Odeon chain says the company is "actively looking" for healthier alternatives. -- Bruce Taffet of United Artists Theaters, the USA's largest chain, says they've tested other oils and found people prefer coconut. "Have you tasted air-popped corn?" he asks. "It's the worst. Why would anyone want to eat something that terrible?"