By Richard Benedetto Bobby Hall, the downed U.S. helicopter pilot held in North Korea, admits "illegally intruding deep" into North Korea and has asked forgiveness, North Korea said today. "I admit that this criminal action is inexcusable and unpardonable," he said in a statement released by North Korea's official news agency. "However, at home my parents, wife and kids are anxiously waiting for my return." Hall did not admit to spying, as North Korea has charged. The State Department, saying it cannot confirm Hall's statement, "continues to reject all charges of espionage," says spokeswoman Christine Shelly. "Given the lack of access (to Hall), we are not in a position to confirm the facts associated with these statements." In the statement, the Army pilot said his helicopter "deviated from the route" and into North Korean airspace. "I only hope, and it is my desire, that the Korean People's Army will leniently forgive me for my illegal intrusion so that I may return to my home and be with my family again." The stalemate with North Korea over its refusal to release Hall entered its 13th day with no hint of a breakthrough. A second day of talks between U.S. envoy Thomas Hubbard and North Korean officials was set for today. A first meeting Wednesday, for 2 1/2 hours, ended with no apparent progress, and was described as "not satisfactory" by Rep. Lee Hamilton, outgoing chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee. "We have made it clear to the North Koreans that we want the prompt release of airman Hall and that there is no reason for his detention," said President Clinton. Also Wednesday, Chief Warrant Officer David Hilemon, 29, Hall's fellow pilot killed when their helicopter went down Dec. 17, was buried in Gig Harbor, Wash.