by Mel Antonen PORTLAND, Ore. -- Jeff Gillooly said Tuesday he will testify that ex-wife Tonya Harding was involved in the planning of the Jan. 6 assault on figure skater Nancy Kerrigan. Gillooly, 26, was in court to plead guilty to racketeering. He'll be sentenced April 1 to 24 months in prison with a $ 100,000 fine under terms of a plea bargain with the Multnomah County district attorney. Prosecutors said Kerrigan supported the plea bargain. Gillooly, in 60 pages of testimony to the FBI, said Harding knew about the plan Dec. 12, approved it Dec. 28 and made phone calls to obtain Kerrigan's practice schedule in Boston and Detroit. The plot reportedly grew out of a belief, reinforced by a December competition in Japan, that figure skating judges were biased in Kerrigan's favor. Harding, who has not been charged, has said she had no prior knowledge of the plan. But she did admit not immediately telling the FBI what she learned of it afterward. Her tangled discussion with the FBI is shown in a 38-page report released Tuesday. After eight hours of questioning in which Harding denied knowing anything of the plot, the agent accused her of lying. She talked with her lawyer, and then finally said she had learned of Gillooly's involvement only after the attack. "I hope everyone understands. I'm telling on someone I really care about," the FBI report quotes her as saying. She again denied involvement in a statement Tuesday. Gillooly's accusations, it said, are part of "a continued practice of abusive conduct intended to disrupt (my) life and destroy (my) career." But Gillooly's lawyer, Ron Hoevet, said his client has a message for Harding: "Move quickly to resolve the charges that will surely be brought." He said Gillooly now feels Harding should not be on the Olympic team with Kerrigan. In a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll last week, 58% said Harding should not be allowed to compete in the Olympics.