Guaranteed health care for everyone, the cornerstone of President Clinton's health-care reform effort, is backed by 79% of respondents in a USA TODAY/ CNN/Gallup Poll. And 73% of those polled say Clinton should veto anything less. Clinton, in his State of the Union speech last Tuesday, threatened to veto any bill that doesn't include universal coverage that can't be canceled. The poll, taken over the weekend, also finds most are willing to pay higher taxes to bring about universal coverage. Also, eight of 10 say they are satisfied with the quality of the health care they receive now, and nearly seven of 10 are satisfied with their health insurance. While 57% say they favor the Clinton health-reform plan, most say they still want to see major changes in the proposal before it is adopted. And nearly two of three say they doubt that health-care reform will pass Congress this year. Overall, while there's still considerable support for reforming the system, there's little agreement on details for fixing it. Republican pollster Linda DiVall says Clinton offered "no new details" on his health-care proposal in his speech, and "people have fundamental concerns about the Clinton plan." There's also a good deal of ambivalence on how bad the problem is and how drastic the reforms should be: 57% agree there is a health-care crisis in the country. 42% say the health system has problems, but is not in crisis. Analysts say those who don't see a crisis and who are generally satisfied with the quality of their care and coverage now will become a tough sell if any new plan reduces their coverage, limits the availability of care or imposes major new costs on businesses.