More and more people are uncomfortable with President Clinton's health-care proposal, a new USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows. Fifty-two percent say there is a health-care crisis. But about the Clinton plan, which guarantees universal coverage: -- 43% say they support it, a new low; 47% oppose it. -- 63% think there would be too much government. -- 48% think there would be less choice of doctors. And 59% would rather see Congress change the health-care system gradually. The poll does find support for a key part of Clinton's proposal: 46% agree employers should pay most of their workers' insurance premiums. Employers would pay 80% under the Clinton plan. White House deputy chief of staff Harold Ickes is "encouraged . . . that there are strong majorities who support key elements" of the plan. Says Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole: "You don't have to do everything in one year." The April 16-18 poll of 1,002 has a 3-point margin of error.