By Judi Hasson; Richard Wolf Congress raised the curtain on the health-care reform debate Wednesday and spotlighted two sides sharply divided along party lines. House Ways and Means Committee chief Dan Rostenkowski, D-Ill., vowed to do whatever it takes to "help the president reach his goals." "Everyone in this room knows that I prefer a bipartisan approach to legislation," Rostenkowski said. "If we can be bipartisan and achieve universal coverage - great," he said. "If not, I will do whatever I need to get at least 20 votes" in the committee to forward the bill. Rep. Fortney "Pete" Stark, D-Calif., added, "The rich suburban Republicans may not have the same problems that the broader coalition which we Democrats represent have, but we certainly have made an effort to include them in the health-reform process." "I'm sick and tired of that kind of behavior," snapped Rep. Bill Thomas, R-Calif. In the Senate, Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., chairman of the Labor and Human Resources Committee, began work on a Clinton-style plan, but with concessions. "We're making some progress," Kennedy said. Republicans, led by ranking GOP Sen. Nancy Kassebaum, R-Kan., are balking. "The Kennedy bill," she said, "is rather like a casserole made from the leftovers of the previous evening's meal." Added Rep. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah: It's "nothing more than a pasteurized version of Clinton's blueprint for socialized medicine - California style." Kennedy, however, pledged to complete work by the Memorial Day recess. But Republicans offered more than 100 amendments, including one to severely restrict abortion coverage.