By Fred Anklam Jr. "I made mistakes" is how first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton describes her involvement in the Whitewater affair. In interviews with Time and Newsweek, out today, Clinton breaks her silence on the failed Arkansas land deal the White House is busy trying to explain. "We made lots of mistakes, I'd be the first to admit that. We never should have made the investment," she tells Time. "People are going to spend millions and millions of dollars and they're going to conclude we made a bad land investment" she tells Newsweek. White House counsel Lloyd Cutler, on the Sunday news shows, said the affair "will turn out to be nothing at all." The first lady is in Denver today for a health-care event, her first public appearance since White House aides were subpoenaed over contacts with officials investigating Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan, tied to Whitewater. Clinton says her desire for privacy was why the matter was not explained earlier. "I get my back up every so often," she tells Newsweek about answering questions she feels are not connected to her husband's public life. "I really have been pulled kicking and screaming to the conclusion that if you choose to run for public office you give up any zone of privacy at all."