by Bill Nichols; Beth Belton The Treasury Department turns over files today, after two subpoenaed White House aides testified before a Washington grand jury on Whitewater. Maggie Williams, chief of staff for Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Lisa Caputo, the first lady's press secretary, each testified on Thursday for about two hours in response to subpoenas issued by Whitewater special counsel Robert Fiske. Four current and former Treasury Department officials were also subpoenaed. At issue: Whether at least three meetings between White House and Treasury Department officials interfered with a criminal investigation of a failed Arkansas savings and loan tied to the Clintons' Whitewater real estate development. Said Williams to reporters: "I'm really encouraged to be participating in something where the finding of fact is important, as opposed to innuendo and rumormongering . . ." Later Thursday, a briefcase of 1,000 pages of documents was brought to the court by White House deputy counsel Joel Klein. "The president and first lady fully complied with the subpoena," said Klein. "We have asserted no privilege with respect to any document." Related developments: In an interview by public TV's Charlie Rose, new White House counsel Lloyd Cutler said he didn't think Fiske would find much wrongdoing came out of the meetings: "They might have looked bad, but when it becomes clear exactly what happened at those meetings . . . I don't think it amounts to very much." Auditors from the Resolution Trust Corp. began an audit of billing records of the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock. Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman testifies March 17. Meanwhile, a rumor in a financial newsletter, and repeated on the Rush Limbaugh radio show, about the death of former White House aide Vincent Foster apparently made financial markets jittery. The item was published by Johnson Smick International, a Washington consulting firm. It claimed Foster, ruled to have committed suicide in a federal park last July 20, actually died in a northern Virginia apartment used by White House staffers and that his body was somehow taken to the park. David Smick, a former aide to James Baker when he was Treasury secretary under President Reagan, said the rumor about Foster's death came from the staff of Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y. "The only reason we reported this one is because it was circulating on the Hill and was coming from the Democratic side," said Manuel Johnson, former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve. "We're not trying to say there's evidence for it." Said Lawrence O'Donnell, staff director of the Senate Finance Committee, which Moynihan chairs: "They have written lie upon lie . . . No one on the Moynihan staff was ever called, nor have any of us ever heard of this newsletter. It's a look into a demented mind." Foster's death last summer was ruled a suicide by the U.S. Park Police. Fiske is looking at the circumstances of his death. Contributing: Leslie Phillips