By Leslie Phillips; Jessica Lee Whitewater special counsel Robert Fiske on Wednesday won minor concessions from Congress after trying to dissuade Republicans from pushing for immediate hearings. The GOP appeared willing to give Fiske first shot at important witnesses and agreed it would not grant them immunity from prosecution. But by the end of the day, Democrats and Republicans remained in a standoff on whether to hold hearings at some point on the Clintons' Whitewater land venture, their relationship with a defunct Arkansas savings and loan and subsequent White House involvement in a federal investigation of the S&L's failure. "There aren't going to be hearings," said Democratic Whip David Bonior, D-Mich. But Republican Whip Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., said if Democrats continue to stonewall, he'll ask for a House vote. "The minute you have full disclosure and full accounting and full accountability, you can bring this to an end," said Rep. Jim Leach, R-Iowa, ranking Republican on the House Banking Committee and a leading advocate for hearings. Republicans have no authority to order hearings. Their best hope is that public opinion will sway Democratic committee chairmen to act. But, according to Democrats, it remains unclear whether the public believes a congressional investigation is justified or Republicans are obsessed with an inside Washington issue. Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, D-Maine, called the Republican clamoring a "political circus." "This is partisan politics at its worst, the sole purpose being to embarrass the president and score political points." Leach could get the first crack at the administration during the Banking Committee's hearing March 24. It's a six-month review of the Resolution Trust Corporation, which oversees the dissolution of failed savings and loans. Leach has issued a list of 40 witnesses he wants to call and said he has no interest in granting them immunity. Congress granted Oliver North immunity during the Iran-contra hearings. His convictions were overturned because of it. But Leach has no authority to subpoena witnesses, and many will be unwilling to come voluntarily. Banking Committee Chairman Henry Gonzalez, D-Texas, raised concerns the hearing might be postponed by calling the date "tentative." GOP leaders met to discuss holding off. Sen. Alfonse D'Amato, R-N.Y., ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee, indicated the GOP might wait until June. "The investigation relating to Treasury and White House officials can be completed in significantly shorter time" than the full investigation of the Whitewater land deal, Fiske said. "At that point, we'd have no objection if Congress wished to have hearings." Fiske met at the Capitol with D'Amato, Sen. William Cohen, R-Maine, an expert on special counsels; House Speaker Thomas Foley, D-Wash.; and Minority Leader Bob Michel, R-Ill. "We have assured the counsel that we believe we can conduct our responsibilities . . . in a way that will not disrupt his investigation," D'Amato said.