Here are some of the questions special counsel Robert Fiske Jr. is likely to be asking about possible criminal or ethical problems arising from the Whitewater affair: Whitewater/Madison and the Clintons. Were taxpayer-insured deposits from Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan diverted into the Whitewater accounts to help the Clintons or the corporation? Was Madison money illegally diverted to pay off Bill Clinton's 1984 gubernatorial campaign debt? Did the Clintons claim tax deductions for Whitewater interest payments they did not make? Was it improper for Mrs. Clinton to represent Madison in 1985 as it was seeking approval for new capital from a state regulator appointed by Bill Clinton? Vince Foster's death. Did White House officials withhold documents found in the office of Vince Foster, the deputy White House counsel who died last July, relating to Madison and Whitewater? Did White House officials obstruct the U.S. Park Police investigation of Foster's death? Secret meetings. Did meetings between Treasury Department and White House officials affect the Resolution Trust Corp.'s investigation of Madison Guaranty? Rose Law Firm. Did Hillary Clinton's former law firm shred important files after Fiske indicated the scope of his probe? Were there conflicts of interest when Rose represented the federal government in a suit against auditors who gave an optimistic assessment of Madison's finances? And why were the concerns of field officers about a possible conflict ignored by top brass at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.? David Hale. Did Clinton pressure Hale, a government-investment contractor, to make a fraudulent $300,000 loan to Whitewater partner Susan McDougal?