By Bill Nichols YORBA LINDA, Calif. -- Richard Nixon was laid to rest here Wednesday on a day for old divisions to be forgotten, if not finally healed. A series of emotional eulogies praised the former president for his heart, his never-quit attitude and his contributions to world peace. But it was President Clinton who sought to put triumphs and failures in perspective: "May the day of judging President Nixon on anything less than his entire life and career come to a close." Nixon, who died Friday in New York at 81, was buried with military honors next to wife Pat on the grounds of the Nixon Library & Birthplace. The 70-minute service was televised live without interruption by all four networks. His daughters, Julie Eisenhower and Tricia Cox, led the gathering of mourners, which included four living ex-presidents and their wives. Among the words of praise: -- "Richard Nixon ended a war, and he advanced the vision of peace of his Quaker youth." - Henry Kissinger. -- "The American people love a fighter, and in Dick Nixon they found a gallant one." - Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, R-Kan. -- "To him, it was no disgrace to fight and be beaten. The only disgrace was to quit. And he never did." - California Gov. Pete Wilson. Nixon's 1974 resignation because of the Watergate scandal was hardly mentioned. But several of the key Watergate players - such as G. Gordon Liddy and Charles Colson - did attend.