ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- A federal judge Thursday ordered spy suspect Aldrich Ames' $ 2.2 million seized, despite maneuvering by defense lawyers to keep control of it. U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton ruled the need to preserve the money "outweighs the hardship" on Ames' family. He ordered Ames' money - kept in several U.S. and foreign bank accounts - and all of his valuables and those of his wife, Rosario, held by the court until the case is resolved. Prosecutors say Ames and his wife sold U.S. secrets to the Soviet Union and Russia for more than $ 2.5 million. A grand jury is deciding whether to indict the Arlington, Va., couple on espionage charges. During the hearing, FBI agent Leslie Wiser said the CIA knew in 1989 that Ames was unusually wealthy for his $ 69,000-a-year post at the CIA. But Wiser said U.S. officials had no idea how Ames had amassed the fortune. Ames had told friends that the family's wealth came from Rosario Ames' family. Wiser said he thought the CIA knew Ames paid cash for his $ 540,000 Arlington, Va., home in 1989. But said the CIA may not have learned that Ames had hefty bank accounts until later. Ames' lawyers argued the people caring for the couple's 5-year-old son, Paul need cash. "These relatives and family do not have unlimited funds," said Preston Burton, a lawyer for Aldrich Ames. "I don't think a 5-year-old child is going to run up large expenses." Sitting behind their lawyers wearing drab jail clothes, Aldrich, 52, and Rosario Ames, 41, whispered to each other and passed notes. When Wiser testified that Rosario told agents "the money came from the Russians," she shook her head no and looked to Aldrich Ames who was sitting beside her. "Not true," she appeared to whisper. Her husband smiled, looked forward, and nodded. Also Thursday, CIA Director James Woolsey said "this case is not an episode or a single incident, but a serious problem we need to fix." Meeting for a second day with congressional oversight committee members, Woolsey - said he would not tolerate "excuses or lethargy" about the agency's problems.