BY Tom Squitieri; Steve Komarow PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - U.S. Marines today are expected to secure the Cap-Haitien port and airfield on day two of Operation Uphold Democracy. The city, 275 miles north of Port-au-Prince, has been the scene of political violence. U.S. troops - 3,000-strong by nightfall Monday - are spreading out across Haiti after taking control of the capital's port and international airfield. They were welcomed Monday by Haitians, some of whom shouted, "We're free!" But Haitian police beat supporters of exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. And an 8-year-old boy was killed when run over by car in the melee. "You always have to be prepared for a peaceful or hostile reception," says Army Sgt. Maj. Larry Rodriguez. In Washington, the House of Representatives voted 353-45 to commend President Clinton for averting an invasion, but called for withdrawal of U.S. forces "as soon as possible." But criticism of the last-minute agreement order mounted. A top aide says Aristide has "severe problems" with it. "They've got four weeks to bump off as many of the people who might be helpful to the pro-democracy forces as they can," says counsel Burt Wides. "We were holding all the cards and we folded," says Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa. Former president Jimmy Carter, retired general Colin Powell and Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., negotiated the settlement. It gives coup leader Raoul Cedras until Oct. 15 to leave power and does not guarantee he will leave Haiti. Defense Secretary William Perry says Cedras will be in charge of Haiti's military and police until he leaves office. Other developments: -- "The mission still has risks," Clinton said in a White House news conference with Carter, Powell and Nunn. "But we are off to a good start," Powell said. -- A USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll shows 51% approve of Clinton's handling of the crisis, compared with 35% over the weekend. More than half are confident the U.S. effort to restore democracy will succeed; 70% give Carter credit for staving off a full-scale invasion. -- U.S. commandos were "cocked and loaded" to kidnap Cedras as the invasion began, says Capt. Chris Hughes of the elite Army Rangers.