Excerpts from an exclusive U.S. News interview with Lt. Gen. Henry "Hugh" Shelton, Joint Task Force commander in Haiti: On the mission. Our military mission has remained constant and is clearly defined: to restore the legitimate government of Haiti. The U.N. is totally integrated in this effort, and, at an appropriate time, we'll turnover ongoing operations in Haiti to them. On Haitian forces. We have emphasized to Lt. Gen. [Raoul] Cedras that he must exert control of Haitian forces during this difficult transition period. We've stationed U.S. military police units in several police precincts. In addition to monitoring Haitian police actions, these MP units show their Haitian counterparts by example the procedures police use in democratic society. On the U.S. force. The U.S. has about 20,000 troops in Haiti now.... That force is adequate for the current role envisioned for the U.S. military. We will use that force under certain circumstances to restore order and provide a secure environment, but the Haitian police are responsible for the internal Haitian law-and-order function. On the rulers. I've been very direct with General Cedras. We've met on several occasions, and they understand restoration of the legitimate government of Haiti is inevitable. On Haitian public support. The large majority of Haitians welcome our presence. But there are some who want the status quo to remain, and it's clear a few of them are trying to subvert the democratic process. We'll deal with them.