LOS ANGELES -- Police are continuing their legwork in the investigation of the murder of O.J. Simpson's former wife. Thursday, that took them to an overgrown field near a Chicago airport hotel after an anonymous tip that a person fitting Simpson's description was there Monday. Police reportedly found nothing there. Simpson had checked into the O'Hare Plaza Hotel Monday morning and returned to L.A. several hours later after learning of his ex-wife's death. "I can't ignore any evidence," says Det. Bert Luper, one of two Los Angeles police officers in Chicago. Nicole Simpson and a friend were stabbed to death outside her condo Sunday night. Meanwhile, Howard Bingham, a Simpson friend, says he was on the same flight to Chicago with the star Sunday night. Bingham says he talked to Simpson, who sat alone in first class, before and after the flight and noticed nothing unusual. "He talked about his golf game," Bingham says. Thursday, Simpson escorted his two children to their mother's funeral. Ronald Goldman, the second victim, also was buried.