by Douglas Stanglin; Samantha Power; Jim Impoco; Steven V. Roberts; Gary Cohen; Richard J. Newman; Z. Chesnoff Is Lt. Gen. Michael Rose, commander of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the former Yugoslavia, less than neutral in the Bosnian war? Rose's many critics complain that while the general seems to maintain an overly tolerant attitude toward Serbian forces, he displays an increasingly short fuse in dealing with the Muslim-led Bosnian government. The latest examples: After ordering a North Atlantic Treaty Organization airstrike against Serbian forces last month, Rose sent a polite letter of regret to the Serbian commander, in which he wrote, "I fully agree with you that we must, in the future, avoid all situations which necessitate the use of force, whether it is applied from the ground or the air. ... However, you will understand that everyone has the right to self-defense. ... I am sure that as a soldier you will understand this point of view." On the other hand, Rose was so incensed at a Bosnian Army breach of the demilitarized zone this month that in a stormy meeting with Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic, he threatened to "carpet-bomb" the Bosnian Army. Rose's defenders argue that the U.N. must accommodate the Serbs so as not to jeopardize deliveries of humanitarian aid.