"I have no regrets" by Eric Ransdell, Jerelyn Eddings ______________________________________ In an exclusive interview last week with U.S. News Johannesburg Chief Eric Ransdell and Correspondent Jerelyn Eddings, State President F.W. de Klerk spoke about his country's transition to majority rule. Excerpts: The transition. I'm convinced the majority of South Africans have adapted to the new situation relatively well. I think one can ascribe that to the fact that the transition was basically orderly, evolutionary and not revolutionary and that although it is taking place over a short period, there is a step-by step process built into it and that has succeeded in taking the majority of all South Africans ... along. Right-wing whites. They're not a political threat because they're a small minority. Elements within that grouping pose a security risk, but I'm convinced it will, in the final analysis, be a very small group of hard-core radicals. Racism. As in America, in the hearts and minds of many people racism is a fact. ... That you cannot legislate away. To change that means basically a change of heart, and that needs religious efforts, it needs strong political leadership and guidance, it needs top management in business to show strong leadership. It is a reality, which we say in South Africa must be overcome. Loyalty to the new government. I think there has been general acceptance by the leadership in the civil service and in the security forces of the new dispensation, and they will in the new era, in an impartial manner, carry out their duties. A "Third Force." The [term] Third Force creates an image of a network, a big under-the-table organization with tentacles throughout the country. There isn't any such thing. This latest report refers to a limited number of individuals who were together in a specific undercover unit. ... Inkatha leader Buthelezi. On a personal level we have a fairly good relationship. Politically he believes very much in the same things that I do, in free enterprise and federalism, although ... I stand for a good balance of power between central governments and regional governments and ... he stands for very weak central government with almost all the powers decentralized and devoluted to regions. The Zulu monarchy. That has the potential to create serious problems because it is not a party political issue and even Zulus who don't support the IFP want that problem to be resolved. Inasmuch as the IFP is using this problem for their own purposes, it is to my mind a dangerous strategy and it is an irresponsible strategy. His role. We, right from the start, stood for power sharing ... and the new constitution basically accommodates our policies. So, yes, within the framework of the constitution I'll accept any position which the voters entrust to me. History. I have no regrets on the major decisions I took. ... There is no other option for South Africa. ... The tension is high, but if we hadn't done what we'd done, then I'm convinced that maybe before the end of 1990, the whole of South Africa would have been in flames.