=============================== MCAsm ====================================== IMPORTANT NOTICE: This program is (c) Copyright by LT liljetoft, but can be FREELY DISTRIBUTED, providing that the following rules are respected. - No change is made to the program nor to the accompaning documentation. - Every form of distribution is allowed and encouraged, but no fee can be charged for this program except for, possibly, the cost of magnetic media. - The package is always distributed in its complete form consisting of 5 files: 'MCAsm', 'MCAsm.DOC', 'This file came from.TXT', 'Contents.TXT' and 'Fixes.TXT'. - If you find this program useful please send $15 to me on the following address: LT liljetoft Kadettgatan 54C S-254 55 Helsingborg Sweden By copying, distributing and/or using the program you indicate your acceptance of the above rules. ==============================================================================