QED Version 1.0 Preliminary Docs 5/8/90 Copyright 1988-1990 by Darren M. Greenwald All rights reserved ====================================================================== INTRODUCTION TO QED ====================================================================== QED is a fast, and easy-to-use text-editor suitable for a variety of text editing purposes. Unlike other programs of this type, QED is not meant strictly for programmers. QED also offers a variety of text formatting tools, and can be configured to behave in a variety of ways. The beginner can start using QED immediately, however underneath the easy to use interface lies a powerful command mode language, ARexx interfacing, macro capabilities, keyboard definitions, and much more. QED is not a word-processor. You use a word-processor when you are concerned with the printed result, but you use a text editor when the contents of the file is whats important. QED never inserts any mysterious control codes in a file unless you put them there! And files created within QED can be used by any program which can read ASCII files. This includes compilers, telecommunication services, ARexx, the CLI batch file mechanism, etc. Word-processors are typically paragraph oriented, while text editors are typically line oriented. Word-processors terminate each paragraph with an end-of-paragraph marker, while text editors terminate each line of text with an end-of-line marker. HIGHLIGHTS OF SPECIAL FEATURES o Easy to use o An Amiga oriented program in every sense o 68000, 68010, 68020, and 68030 compatable o Compatable with Amiga O.S. 1.3, or 2.0 o Fast response, and efficient memory utilization o Full Intuition interface. Mouse, and keyboard supported o Option to use the ARP file requester o Unlimited multiple text editing windows o Edit files of virtually any size, number of lines, or line length o Binary files may be opened, edited, and saved o Fast reading, and writing of files o Automatic memory management, and reallocation as text is inserted o Automatically adjusts everything to use your system font o Non-proportional system fonts of virtually any size may be used o Automatically adjusts to your system's Workbench screen size o Keyboard decoding using your system's keymap o Dead-keys are supported o Full CLI, and Workbench support o Multiple files can be automatically opened from the CLI, or Workbench o Can be made resident, and is fully reentrant o Many powerful text editing tools o Full support for the Amiga IFF clipboard.device o Block, and Column cut, copy, insert, and save o Many text formatting tools o Fast search, and replace forward, backwards, prompted, global, etc. o Fast global search, and replace in block, or in column o Character case toggle (single, in block, or in column) o Bracket, brace, and parenthesis match search for C programmers o Unique settings for text editing windows o Optional simple word-wrap o Insert, or overstrike modes o Left, and right margin settings o Variable size soft, or hard tabs o Tab insert, or move cursor to tab stop o Margin locking to simplify text entry within margins o End-of-line limited, or free-form cursor movement o Optional Auto-Indent o Variable pen, paper, and border colors o Variable horizontal scrolling rate o Option to detab output to files, or printer o Option to create backup files o Option to create icons when saving files o Option to save files in append mode o Full ARexx support o Nameable ARexx ports o Powerful command mode with full line editing, and history o Over 100 powerful commands with many options o Can be run as a hidden background process o Send a variety of information back to ARexx o Fully documented error codes o QED's own macro mechanism o Macro recorder o User callable custom requesters o Assign any command(s), or macro to any of over 350 keypress combinations o Quick user defineable function keys menu o Assign any command(s), or macro to single, or double mouse clicks o Multiple commands per line ABOUT THIS MANUAL Writing a manual is always one of the most difficult aspects of putting together a piece of software. The problem is trying to document features in such a way that the information is clear to the less experienced user, yet useful to the professional, and technical person. Writing the documentation for QED has been a particularly difficult task. At first glance it appears to be a relatively simple text editor, which is intentional. Then upon closer inspection you will notice that many of the menu items are context sensitive. For example, "Save As..." under the "Project" menu can be used to save a file, save a marked block of text, or save a marked column of text. It turns out that many of the features in the menu items can be limited to a marked block of text, and in some cases, to a marked column. It is doubtful that all of the features available from the pull-down menus could have fit if separate items were listed for all the possible combinations. So instead of cluttering the menus with hundreds of items, and keyboard combinations, I felt a cleaner appearance was preferrable, and easier for you to learn. If we look a little closer, it turns out that QED is not a menu driven program at all, but a command driven program with a powerful command set, and macro capabilities. The bottom line is that while the program has been designed to be easy to use, there is much more to the program then is apparent from the pull-down menus. As a consequence, some of the information in this manual is meant for the technical user, and cannot realistically be simplified into terminology which can be understood by the new user. It is strongly recommended that you read through most of the manual before making use of the program. This manual assumes you are familiar with using the Amiga, and Amiga terminology. If not, you should at least read the user's manual which was shipped with your computer system.