% Blitter manual \input blitmac {\let\textindent=\relax \footnote{}{\vbox{\sm\baselineskip=9pt\noindent Copyright \copyright\ 1988 by Radical Eye Software, Box 2081, Stanford, CA\ \ 94309. All Rights Reserved. Every effort has been made to supply complete and accurate information. However, Radical Eye Software and Tomas Rokicki assume no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which would result.}}} \footline={\hss\tenrm Blitter---\folio\hss} \vskip 1in \centerline{\Bbf BlitLab and the Amiga Blitter} \medskip\medskip \centerline{Tomas Rokicki} \medskip \centerline{\vbox{\radeyelogo}} \medskip \centerline{13 April 1988} \vb\vb\vb This manual will not make much sense without a working copy of BlitLab 1.3, as most of the documentation is in the examples provided. For a free copy, including source, simply write to Tomas Rokicki, Box 2081, Stanford, CA\ \ 94309. A few bucks for floppies and postage would be nice, but not necessary. \section Introduction\\ So you have pored over the Hardware Manual and the ROM Kernel Manual, and you cannot find the information you need on the blitter. Well, never fear; all the information you should ever need about the blitter is contained in this one handy document. All information below was derived from the Hardware Manual, ROM Kernel Manual, the ROM's, and a lot of empirical testing. Using the blitter directly, as described in this report, however, bypasses the layers library. If you want to use these techniques for graphics, open your own custom screen; if you open any windows on this screen, be careful to not destroy the graphics rendered by Intuition. Or, do your graphics in an off-screen bitmap, and blast it into your windows periodically. \section The Hardware\\ The blitter comprises part of the Agnes chip in the Amiga, and can only access CHIP memory. (CHIP memory is the lower 512K of memory in the current Amiga models, but this may change.) To the 68000, it appears as a set of approximately twenty sixteen bit write only registers. It can access memory at 7.2 megabytes per second, or twice the bandwidth of the 68000 (although, as we shall see, it doesn't always run this fast.) Any video memory accesses can slow the blitter down, whether for screen refresh or for the 68000. For instance, the standard two bit deep high resolution workbench screen can slow the blitter down by approximately 30\%. A low resolution single bit plane screen can slow it down by about 8\%. A high resolution four bit plane screen can slow down the blitter by about 60\%. The blitter is so fast, however, that even with this handicap it performs its tasks many times faster than the 68000. The first thing a programmer of this chip must realize is that the Amiga blitter is not a `bit' blitter; rather, it operates on words. This fact must be kept in mind when programming the blitter. With the appropriate programming, it can manipulate arbitrary rectangles of bits. The blitter uses four DMA channels to perform its work; these are labeled A, B, and C (sources) and D (destination). Any or all of them may be disabled independently. The destination can be calculated from any of 256 possible logical equations on A, B, and C. The A and B sources can be shifted up to 15 bits to the right, and the first and last word in a line from the A source can be masked by a constant. Each of the four channels has its own modulo. The blitter also has an area fill and a line draw mode. \section Getting Access\\ There are currently four ways you can use the blitter. Some work better than others. The first way is to use the standard ROM Kernel routines for graphics. This is the simplest and most reliable method; future blitters and operating systems will not disrupt your code. I am not going to discuss this approach here, because I don't want to, and all of that information is in the ROM Kernel Manuals. The second method is to arbitrarily write to the blitter registers, ignoring Intuition and friends. This is a good way to make enemies; you can trash disks as well as system memory, but it makes for good laughs on those slow winter nights. Just pop some random values into those blitter registers, and watch the pyrotechnics fly! The third method is a variation of the second, but you politely request permission from the system first, by calling \b OwnBlitter(). This routine notifies the Amiga that you want exclusive access to the blitter, and you don't want anyone else playing with it. After this call returns, you can almost use the blitter. Unfortunately, someone else may have already given the blitter something to do that hasn't completed; therefore, you should call \b WaitBlit() before actually mucking with the registers. This second routine blocks until the blitter is actually finished with its work. Once \b WaitBlit() returns, you are free to do what you like with the blitter. While you have the blitter, you must remember that the rest of the system cannot use it. Therefore, \b Text() calls will not work, and your debug printf's will block if they are written to the screen. The blitter is used for disk I/O and most user interaction like gadgets, so tying up the blitter for long periods of time (longer than, say, a few milliseconds) is considered highly unfriendly. Tying up the blitter for a second or more is grounds for lynching. When you are finished with the blitter, you should call \b DisownBlitter() to allow everyone else to do what they like. Remember, however, that \b DisownBlitter() might return before the blitter is finished with your last operation, so before you use any data created by the blitter, call \b WaitBlit() to allow the blitter to finish. This last point is worth rereading, as it is often the source of some subtle bugs. Thus, your code might look like the following: OwnBlit() ; WaitBlit() ; * here you can muck with the blitter * until it falls off . . . draw_my_polygons() ; /* for example */ DisownBlitter() ; * Now we want to examine the memory region * the blitter played with. We wait for * the blit to complete. WaitBlit() ; copy_to_disk() ; /* for example */ $endverb There is another way to gain access to the blitter; you can use the supplied queue blitter routines. This is described in the ROM Kernel Manual, Volume 1, pages 2-62 through 2-65. As of yet, I haven't had reason to use these routines; perhaps a later edition of this manuscript will have information on them. \section BlitLab\\ To allow easy experimentation with the blitter, I have written a program called BlitLab. This program provides a laboratory in which you can play with the blitter registers in a somewhat safe manner. The blitter has a much greater potential for damage to system memory than the 68000 does, since once started it performs operations on large areas of memory without interruption or instruction checking. If the 68000 starts executing random data as instructions, it usually very quickly executes an odd-address or illegal op-code trap. The blitter, on the other hand, could easily wipe out kilobytes of data before the system noticed anything was amok. BlitLab therefore carefully checks the values you have entered to be sure that system memory will not be overwritten. Only if it will not be are you allowed to do the blit. That is, except for line mode; it is so complicated to check for line mode validity, that I let you trash memory with it. But more on that later. With BlitLab, you can either use the actual blitter to perform the experiment, or use a blitter simulator included in the program. To switch between the two, hit the gadget marked `Real' (or `Simul'). When running with a simulated blitter, you can write a log file containing the actions of the blitter. The name of this file can be specified with the `Log' string gadget; a null name indicates no log file is to be written. Note that simulation of the line mode does not work in version 1.3 of BlitLab. \section DMA Channels\\ So now we have control of the blitter; we can write to all of its registers and do whatever we like. Before we get into exactly what we can do, let me describe the blitter DMA channels. As mentioned, the blitter has four DMA channels, A, B, C, and D. These are shown in the lower right hand corner of the BlitLab display. What, you say you are not in BlitLab yet? Go to your Amiga, plug in a disk with BlitLab on it, and {\tt run blitlab}. The rest of this manual assumes that you have done this. If you are running an interlaced screen or odd colors, you might find the BlitLab display visually jarring; rerun BlitLab with the command {\tt run blitlab -c} to open a custom screen. Back to the DMA channels. The first three are always sources, the last is always a destination. You can use any combination of the four channels, from none of them to all four. Each of the four channels has a 32 bit address pointer which points to the memory it will use or modify. The least significant bit of the low order word is ignored. Enough high bits are ignored so only CHIP memory can be accessed; the current chip ignores the top 13 bits. Each channel also has an independent sixteen bit signed modulo (in bytes, with the least significant bit again ignored.) For the three source DMA channels, there is also a data register which you can preload with constant data if the DMA channel is turned off. The DMA channels share a width and a height register. The width is in 16 bit words, and can take a value from 1 to 64. The height is in pixels, and can take a value from 1 to 1024. Thus, the largest rectangular field on which the blitter can directly operate is 1024 by 1024. However, larger fields can be handled by splitting a blit into smaller blits, and using the modulo fields appropriately. A key thing to remember here is that the width is in words, the modulos and pointers are in bytes, and the height is in pixels. This is the most common error made when using BlitLab and the blitter, so remember! \section Block Clear\\ The destination can receive any logical combination of its three source operands. Let's start experimenting. First we will try to clear memory. The large rectangle in the upper left hand corner of the BlitLab window is the bit region we can experiment with. Let's set some random bits for the blitter to clear. Move the mouse into the black rectangle, hold down the left mouse button, and move the mouse around. Set pixels until you tire of the novelty. Note that as you move the mouse, the Adrs and Shift fields change; these will be useful in a second. To clear pixels, hold down the right mouse button instead of the left. Once you have a reasonable number of pixels on the screen, you are ready to begin. To enter data into a string gadget, select the string gadget, backspace over the old data, type new data, and then hit return. First, in the gadget marked W, enter the number \.{6}. The field we are working on is 96 pixels wide by 32 pixels high; that is six words by 32 rows. Enter \.{32} into the H gadget. Now, turn on the D DMA channel by selecting the gadget marked `N' in the D row; it should toggle and show `Y'. Enter \.{M} into the PT column on the D row; this is the symbolic name for the address of the rectangle we are experimenting with. Enter \.{0} into the `Function' gadget near the center of the window. We are ready to go. At this point, select the `Calc' gadget. BlitLab will read the values you have entered and make sure that you are not going to clobber the system. If the blit is safe, it will say so; otherwise it will print an error message on the window title bar. If you get the error message, it is likely that your machine will crash if you ask it to perform the blit. Otherwise, go ahead and select the `GO' gadget. The pixels you so laboriously set should disappear. Congratulations, you have performed your first blit! You may have noticed that the pixels actually disappeared rather slowly. If this is the case, you have a defective Amiga. No, actually this is an artifact of the program; BlitLab is performing the blits in some other memory somewhere, and then copying and expanding the bits to the rectangle displayed on the screen. It is this updating and expanding that is slow, not the blit. So don't be alarmed. Before we get steeped in explanations, let's experiment some more. Set the `Function' to \.{255}, and hit `GO' again. This should set all of the pixels in our rectangle. Set it back to \.{0}, and set the height to \.{16}. Now, only half of the rectangle is cleared. Set the modulo (for the D channel) to \.{6} (bytes), and reduce the width to \.{3} (words, remember?) Set the `Function' back to \.{255}, and `GO'. Now the upper left corner of the rectangle is cleared. Oops, we are probably getting ahead of ourselves here. For now, just take my word for the fact that setting the function to \.{0} clears the destination, and setting the function to \.{255} sets all of the bits in the destination. I am sure the width and height (that's the W and H gadgets) explain themselves well enough, as does the address pointer (that's PT.) But, how is the modulo interpreted? The algorithm the blitter uses to do a blit looks something like this: doblit(daddress, height, width, dmodulo) char *daddress ; int height, width, dmodulo ; int h, v ; for (v=0; v> sh ; prev_data = *aaddress ; function(data) ; aaddress += 2 ; } aaddress += amodulo ; $endverb \noindent So, as you can see, things work nicely along the row. The first time around, the most significant bits of the data word get shifted right and used. The next operation uses the least significant bits of the previous data word and the most significant bits of the current word, as it is supposed to. The only difficulty appears across rows. For the first word in a subsequent row, the low order bits of the last word in the previous row are used, rather than shifting in zeros as happens on the first row. Things start to get a bit hairier. But all is not lost. Using the A register's ability to mask the first and last word in a row, we can zero out any bits we want, even if we turn off the A DMA channel. For instance, using the current settings of BlitLab, set the least significant three bits of the ALWM to \.{0}. (Note that {\it these} are the bits we need to mask out; the masks are applied before the shifting. In addition, the FWM is applied only to the first word in each row; the LWM is applied only to the last word; if they are the same word, both masks are applied.) Redo the blit, and now things appear to be working correctly. \section Zero Flag\\ You might have noticed that after each blit, BlitLab writes \.{Zero Flag SET} or \.{Zero Flag CLEAR} on the title bar. As the blitter runs, it looks at the result values that it would write to the D channel, if the D channel were on. If any of these values are non-zero, then the zero flag is cleared at the end of the blit. Otherwise, the zero flag is set. This can be useful for collision detection, for instance; simply `and' together your object and the background, and if the zero flag is clear, there was a collision. \section Decrement Mode\\ Sometimes the source and destination of your blits will overlap. If the destination starts at a lower memory address than the source, everything will work fine. However, if the destination starts at a higher memory address and overlaps a source, a portion of the source will be overwritten by the destination before it can be used as source, so the blit will not perform as expected. The blitter has a special flag which solves this problem. This flag puts the blitter in the decrement mode, where addresses are decremented instead of incremented as the blit proceeds. Toggle the gadget `(desc)', it should become `DESC', indicating that it is set. If you use this mode, you must initialize the addresses to the end of the source or destination block, and use negative modulo values. The W and H must stay positive. Try it. Turn on the A and D channels, and turn off the B and C. Set the A channel to \.{M+190}, and the D channel to \.{M+382}. Set the function to \.{A}, the modulos to \.{0}, the width to \.{6}, and the height to \.{16}. Set the FWM and LWM back to \.{\$FFFF}. Draw some random pattern in the upper half of the rectangle, insure that the DESC flag is set, and `GO'. It should work as before. Now set D to \.{M+202}, and watch the pattern step down with each blit. Note that the blitter actually has a single-stage pipeline on its output. All of the sources for the {\it next\/} operation are fetched before the result of the current operation is written to memory. This makes it possible, for instance, to move a bit field eight bits left, without using descending mode. Be sure to toggle DESC back to (desc) before proceeding. \section Copying Arbitrary Regions\\ We will now attempt to move a rectangular array of bits from one random bit location to another. To set things up, clear out the entire rectangle. Now, draw an ellipse in the upper half region; try to get it close to the four borders. Set the entire lower region, and clear an X across the entire region. We shall attempt to move the portion of the ellipse from bit positions 2 through 28 to bit positions 13 through 39 in the destination, leaving all the other bits in the destination unchanged. The source spans only two words, but the destination spans three, so the blit width must be 3. For some other blits, the source might span more words than the destination; the width must always be the maximum of the two. So set the width to \.{3}, and all modulos to \.{6}. The A channel is going to function as a mask. Wherever the bit in the A channel is set, we will copy the source to the destination; where the bits are clear, the destination must not be changed. The B channel will be used to actually fetch the source bits, the C channel will read the destination, because we will need to merge the destination with the new source before writing, and the D channel will do the writing. So, set the B address to \.{M} and the C and D addresses to \.{M+192}. Turn off the A channel, but turn all three others on. Set the A data to \.{\$FFFF} and the B shift to \.{11}. Note that we are using the A channel as a constant; even though it is a constant, the mask registers will still mask out bits of that constant. Now we need to figure out how we are going to get A to mask out only those bits we need to change. Since our destination is the one which spans three words, A must track it, so set the shift of A to \.{0}, and the FWM to zero for those bits of the first word of the destination which are to be left alone. In our case, we wish to leave the first 13 bits alone, so we use a value of \.{\$0007}. The LWM gets set to zero for the bits of the last word, similarly, yielding a value of \.{\$FF00}. Note that if the source were three words and the destination two, the A channel would have to track B. In this case, you would set the shift for A the same as the shift for B, and set the masks to mask out the particular bits in B which will not be used. We are almost ready. Let's think about the function we need now. For where the A bits are masked out, or zero, we need to leave the destination alone; this gives us the minterm \.{~AC}. Where A bits are set, we pass B through unchanged; this gives us \.{AB}. Summing these, we enter \.{AB+~AC} for our function, and hit `GO'. Carefully check out the picture; it should have worked. We can also complement on the copy using the function \.{A~B+~AC}. The function \.{AB+C} provides an `or' draw, and the function \.{AB~C+A~BC+~AC} provides an exclusive or copy. You might try these. Whew! That's a lot. You might take a breather here. Then, later, come back and reread the previous paragraphs, and play with BlitLab some more. It's really quite simple once you get the hang of it. It is interesting to note that it required the full functionality of the blitter---all four channels, shifts and masks---just to do an arbitrary bit rectangle copy. These are the difficulties you run into when trying to make a word blitter perform as a bit blitter. \section Copying Arbitrary Regions---Continued\\ Now we'll illustrate how to blit from a source of three words to a destination of only two words. Undo your last blit with the `Undo' gadget, or, if this doesn't work, redraw the ellipse and reverse video cross. This time we will move the portion of the ellipse from bit position 13 through 39, to bit position 2 through 28 of the destination. Again, our width is \.{3}, and our modulos are \.{6}. Our shift this time is --11. The blitter cannot do negative shifts, so we need to set the destination back one word, and use a shift of (--11 + 16) or 5. So set the C and D pointers to \.{M+190} instead of \.{M+192}. Set the B shift to \.{5}, and since A will mask B, set the A shift to \.{5} as well. This time, our A channel will track B, so we need to determine which bits of B need to be masked out. The first 13 bits will be masked, so our FWM must only have the last three bits set, so give it a value of \.{\$0007}. We need the last eight bits of B, so the LWM gets a value of \.{\$FF00}. Hit `GO', and watch it work! This technique will work in general, but we haven't covered all the cases yet. One particularly difficult case occurs, for instance, when we want to move bits 8 through 19 to bits 7 through 18 of the source. Both source and destination span two words. The shift is --1, so we decrement the destination pointer, and use a shift of 15. Now, however, we need to use a width of three! The first word of the destination will be masked out so it will be unchanged, and we need to write the next two words. But even this is not sufficient. The A data channel cannot mask the source, because now the source must be three words wide as well, and there is no way to mask the middle word. The A data channel cannot mask the destination either, for the same reason. The solution to this little problem is to use the descending mode of the blitter. The shifts work backwards in descending mode, so we simply use a shift of 1, and everything works fine. Our width is \.{2}, and our modulos are \.{8}. Our B pointer should be initialized to the last source word, which is \.{M+182}; our C and D pointers should be initialized to the last destination word, or \.{M+374}. The A data channel can mask either the source or the destination; we shall use the source. Set the shift the same as B (\.{1}). Note that in this case, the FWM actually masks the last word in a row, and the LWM masks the first! Thus, the FWM should mask off the last 12 bits, and should thus be given a value of \.{\$F000}; the LWM should mask off the first eight, and get a value of \.{\$00FF}. Try it! \section Area Fill\\ Everything we have dealt with so far has been strictly data movement and strict logical equations. Now we examine one of the more esoteric abilities of the blitter---area fills. This feature is actually quite easy to demonstrate, but it only works in the descending mode. Set up BlitLab as follows: Channels A, D on; A address of \.{M+190}, D address of \.{M+382}; W of \.{6}, H of \.{16}, modulos of \.{0}, function of \.{A}, DESC on. Clear the rectangular array, and draw two vertical lines in the top half of the rectangle, separated by at least one pixel. If the lines are not exactly straight up and down, that's okay, just insure that there is only one pixel set per row per line. (You might clear out a few pixels for this.) Turn on the `(ife)' flag (inclusive fill enable), and `GO'. The area between the two lines should be filled in the lower portion of the rectangle. Now turn on the `(fci)' flag (fill carry in), and `GO'. This time, the area outside the two lines are filled. The fill carry flag is toggled for each bit seen, and if it is set, the bits in the destination are set. Now, turn off the `(fci)' flag, and turn on the `(efe)' flag (exclusive fill enable.) The area between the two lines is again filled, but this time the line on the trailing edge of the fill was deleted. This is useful for narrower fills. Now draw a third vertical line between the previous two, and hit `GO'. Note how the fill is indeed performed correctly, and the FCI bit is restored to its set value at the beginning of each row. Accidentally set a random bit somewhere in A, and observe the effect is has on the fill. Now you know why each line must be only one pixel wide. You can still perform any operation on the A, B, and C sources before the area fill; the lines in the result will be used. For instance, you can area fill based on only a particular color of line, by setting A, B, and C to the bit planes of the display, and setting the function to one which selects only the appropriate color. \section Line Drawing\\ This area is the sketchiest part of my knowledge. I have actually gotten the blitter to draw lines, but it took a lot of time and effort. The Hardware and ROM Kernel Manuals are incorrect in some of their assertions; I had to disassemble part of the ROM to determine exactly how to draw lines. For brevity, the following is an algorithm which will draw a line from \.{x1}, \.{y1} to \.{x2}, \.{y2} on a window at \.{m} which is \.{wx} by \.{wy} pixels. \.{X} and \.{Y} are used to hold the slope values for the line, and assist in finding the quadrant the line is to be drawn in. Note how the flags (fci), (ife), and (efe) are used to select the particular quadrant. doline(x1, y1, x2, y2) int x1, y1, x2, y2 ; int x, y, X, Y ; int q = 0, t ; x = x2 - x1 ; y = y2 - y1 ; if (x < 0) X = - x ; else X = x ; if (y < 0) Y = -y ; else Y = y ; if (x > 0) { if (y > 0) q = (X > Y ? 1 : 0) ; else q = (X > Y ? 3 : 4) ; } else { if (y > 0) q = (X > Y ? 5 : 2) ; else q = (X > Y ? 7 : 6) ; if (Y > X) { t = X ; X = Y ; Y = t ; blit.height = X + 1 ; blit.apt = 4 * Y - 2 * X ; if (2 * Y - X < 0) blit.sign = 1 ; else blit.sign = 0 ; blit.amod = 4 * (Y - X) ; blit.bmod = 4 * Y ; blit.line = 1 ; blit.efe = (q & 1) ; blit.ife = (q & 2) >> 1 ; blit.fci = (q & 4) >> 2 ; blit.adat = 0x8000 ; blit.bdat = 0xffff ; blit.ash = x1 & 15 ; blit.cpt = blit.dpt = m + ((x1 >> 3) & ~1) + y * (wx >> 3) ; blit.cmod = blit.dmod = wx >> 3 ; blit.width = 2 ; blit.usea = 1 ; blit.useb = 0 ; blit.usec = 1 ; blit.used = 1 ; $endverb All of these calculations and initializations are done automatically by BlitLab. All you need do is enter the starting x and y and ending x and y values into SX, SY, EX, and EY, respectively, and then hit `SETUP'. (The x values can range from 0 to 95; the y values from 0 to 31. If you exceed these ranges, you will walk on system memory, and BlitLab won't check line mode!) We do not set the `function' variable in the above routine or in BlitLab, because there is more than one way to draw a line. As the line is being drawn, the bit set in the A register moves across and wraps around; this is the bit that might be set. The original destination is available from the C channel, and the B channel provides a mask. Thus, to just draw a solid line, you would use the equation \.{A+~AC} (if A is set, draw a bit, otherwise pass the destination through unchanged.) Try it. To draw an exclusive or line, use \.{A~C+~AC}. To draw a textured line, use \.{AB+~AC}, and put your texture in B. Note how the A and B address registers are used as accumulators instead of address registers. There is also an option to draw a line with only one bit set per horizontal row; this is essential for drawing polygons to be filled later. If you set the `(desc)' flag, the lines will be drawn this way. \section Speed\\ So, all of those fancy operations are fine and dandy, but just how fast is the blitter, anyway? This depends entirely on which DMA channels are turned on. You might be using a DMA channel as a constant, but unless it is turned on, it does not count against you. The minimum blitter cycle is four clocks; the maximum is eight. Use of the A register is always free. Use of the B register always adds two clocks to the blitter cycle. Use of either C or D is free, but use of both adds another two clocks. Thus, a copy cycle, using A and D, takes four clocks per cycle; a copy cycle using B and D takes six clocks per cycle, and a generalized bit copy using B, C, and D takes eight clocks. When in line mode, each pixel takes eight clocks. The clock is the 7.18 MHz system clock. To calculate the total time for the blit in microseconds, after setup, you use the equation $$t={nHW\over 7.18}$$ where $t$ is the time in microseconds, $n$ is the number of clocks per cycle, and $H$ and $W$ are the height and width of the blit, respectively. Actually, this is a minimum time, which is strictly impossible. Display data fetches, 68000 cycles, and other operations can steal cycle bandwidth away from the blitter. One way to eliminate most of this overhead is to call the macro {\tt OFF\_DISPLAY} which turns off the display; this is not a friendly thing to do, however. Don't forget to call {\tt ON\_DISPLAY} after the blit is finished! \section Blitter Registers\\ So far we've discussed virtually every aspect of the blitter, except exactly how its registers are organized, and how one actually stuffs these registers. Well, the blitter is accessible from the custom hardware include file {\tt hardware/custom.h}, and makes available 20 write-only 16 bit registers, eight of which are organized as four 32 bit registers. Full documentation is in the Hardware Reference Manual, but I've summarized them here, as they are available from C. You might have noticed how the register contents block on the lower left hand portion of the window changes as you set various blitter parameters; this is an easy way to calculate register settings. \vb{\leftskip=\parindent\parindent=-\parindent \reg custom.bltcon0/ This sixteen bit register contains the A shift value in its top four bits and the function code in its low eight bits. Bits 8 through 11 are used to indicate which DMA channels are on; 8, 9, 10, and 11 correspond to DMA channels D, C, B, and A, respectively. \reg custom.bltcon1/ This sixteen bit register holds the B shift in its top four bits and five flags in its lower five bits. Bits 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 are (line), (desc), (fci), (ife), and (efe), respectively. In the line mode, bits 5 and 6 are (ovf) and (sign), respectively. \reg custom.bltafwm/ This sixteen bit register holds the first word mask for the A DMA channel. \reg custom.bltalwm/ This sixteen bit register holds the last word mask for the A DMA channel. \reg custom.bltapt/ This thirty-two bit register holds the address of the A DMA channel; its value is in bytes, but the least significant bit is ignored, as are the most significant thirteen bits. \reg custom.bltbpt/ This thirty-two bit register serves as the address for the B DMA channel. \reg custom.bltcpt/ This thirty-two bit register provides the address for the C DMA channel. \reg custom.bltdpt/ This thirty-two bit register is the destination or D channel address. \reg custom.bltsize/ This sixteen bit register gets the height in rows, in the most significant ten bits, and the width in words, in the least significant six bits. Note that assigning to this register starts the blitter, so it should be the last register initialized. \reg custom.bltamod/ This sixteen bit signed register holds the modulo value for the A DMA channel. The value written is in bytes, but the least significant bit is ignored. The most significant bit is used as a sign \reg custom.bltbmod/ This sixteen bit register serves a similar function for the B DMA channel. \reg custom.bltcmod/ This sixteen bit register provides the modulus for the C DMA channel. \reg custom.bltdmod/ This sixteen bit register holds the modulus for the D channel. \reg custom.bltadat/ This sixteen bit preloadable data register holds data for the A DMA channel. \reg custom.bltbdat/ This sixteen bit preloadable data register holds data for the B DMA channel. \reg custom.bltcdat/ This sixteen bit preloadable data register holds data for the C DMA channel. \reg custom.dmaconr/ This is the system DMA register. Two bits are of concern when using the blitter. Bit 14 (BBUSY) indicates that the blitter is busy. Bit 13 (BZERO) is the blitter zero flag described above. \par} \section Missing Sections\\ The things we have neglected to talk about, which should be included, are listed here. We need to describe \b QBSBlit() and \b QBlit(). We also need to discuss the dirty mode of the blitter. It would be nice to have some empirical timings comparing \b QBlit() with \b OwnBlitter() methods of obtaining the blitter. \section Plug for Amiga\TeX\\ These docs were typeset on the Amiga using Amiga\TeX, previewed on the screen, and printed on a QMS-Kiss at 300 dots per inch. For a demonstration disk and more information, contact Radical Eye Software, Box 2081, Stanford, CA\ \ 94309. \vfill\eject \centerline{\bbf Appendex A: A Blitter Simulator} \smallskip \centerline{This code is in {\tt blitsim.c} of the BlitLab source.} \vb\vb \verbfile{blitsim.c}