Okay, here are a few simple dox for this toy: To page down by 16 characters, press the right arrow key. To page up by 16 characters, press the left arrow key. To scroll down by 1 character, press the down arrow key. To scroll up by 1 character, press the up arrow key. To quit, press ESC. Finally, this program has two modes, tiny mode, and not so tiny mode. The toggle between the two is pressing the DEL key. In tiny mode, each time the window becomes inactive, the window will shrink to the size of the average person's little toe. Meanwhile, in not so tiny mode, the window will always display the current part of the table. I did this because some people might use editors that are on a different screen, and thus not care about how cluttered their CLI window is. The reason for the ESC to quit as opposed to a close gadget is that if I were to put the close gadget back in and keep the tiny dimensions, there would be only two pixels worth of drag area. It would be findable, but silly. As for the disclaimer stuff. This is mine! Ha, so there! However, feel free to use this all you like for personal stuff. There is code in here that was once a part of Manx stuff, mainly the trimmer...er...butchered startup stuff. Although there is little left that is their's, as I don't understand at least one of the lines of it, I'll stick in a Manx copyright notice regarding the startup and exit stuff. The startup and exit stuff is Copyright Manx Software Systems (c) 1987. Aside from that, the rest of the code is: Copyright A. Caleb Gattegno (c) 1988. With that done with, have fun. By the way, I've trimmed this down about as far as I can without getting into assembler, but there may always be a byte or two left that are excess. In the interest of puniness and boredom, I may just pop into assembler and cut out a few more bytes and perhaps count clock cycles. Then again, maybe not. As for now, if you find this thing too big, well, sorry.