After unarc'ing, Execute the EXECUTE.ME file to rename things correctly. Run by giving the command (from the CLI): LineDrawer where is the name of the file that contains drawing commands, as described in the README file. Note that the MUST be specified on the command line, as there are no provisions for specifying it from within LineDrawer (and in fact, if no is present, LineDrawer will simply return to the user without doing anything at all). Two such files are provided with this distribution. The 1st (merc) draws a map of the U.S., and the 2nd (pix.dat) just draws a crossed box to demo the color commands, etc. Be sure to try resizing the LineDrawer window ... the drawing will be redrawn to fill the window size and shape, thus allowing some interesting distortion effects! To John M. Olsen, I say: "Nice job!" /kim