This file requires at LEAST 1 Meg to be apreciated. This was clearly stated in My Upload to CIS. There are 32 lo-res frames utilizing 16 color registers each. One meg will allow you you to view 19 of these frames....this will result in a 214 degree rotation of the statue (bust) of Zeus. One and a half MEG total Memory will ensure a complete 360 degree rotation of the bust. Included in ZEUS1 is LMV2. A Shareware viewer that flips through the frames. It's usage is LMV2 PATH:Pic1 PATH:Pic2 etc. Where Path is the location of the Picture file. I have included an EXECUTE.ME file that will do that automatically for you. All you need to do is specify the different viewing methods to whatever you are prompted along the way. The files in these 3 Arcs will not fit onto One disk. Only 31 of the 32 pics will fit on one disk. Just place the file called 25 on another disk. To use the Execute.Me file, LMV2 must be in df0: Type from CLI, 'execute Execute.Me' can be in any directory as long as it's path is supplied. You will be asked if you are using 1 or 2 disks. You specify 2, unless you have a HD. LMV2 will then read in each Picture that it can. If it has no more Mem left for Pictures it will notify you. You Can STILL view the Pics already Loaded!! Just follow the prompts to get a desired effect. If you successfully load all 32 Pics then All you need to do is set a time interval between each frame (I've found that 4000 works well), and how many times to replay the 'Movie'. If you loaded less, then you may want to specify 'reverse direction' at end of cycle. Zeus was Created By Myself, GreG Tsadilas - GTS CIS# 73230,567 using Digi-View and DeluxePaint A Quickie cranked out in about 4 hours.