*** PURTY -- A PRT: Utility *** by Charles Tyson Version 1.0--March 8, 1987 Purty is Public Domain software, and may be distributed freely. Please keep this documentation file with the program file when redistributing. Purty was written to provide an easy way to change some common printer settings. Since it works via the PRT: device, it should be compatible with all printers listed in Preferences. When you run Purty, a small window with several gadgets will appear. Click on these gadgets to adjust printer settings. When you click outside Purty's window (de-activating it), it will send a series of control codes to the PRT: device to set up the printer. Files printed thereafter (using, e.g., the CLI TYPE or the DirUtil PRINT TEXTFILES command) will be governed by the Purty settings. The three gadgets at upper left (NLQ, Bold and Italic) are on-off gadgets. They are initially off. They are highlighted when on. The three gadgets at upper right (Pitch, Lines per inch and Skip) are multiple-choice gadgets. Cycle among the choices by clicking on them. At the bottom are gadgets to set the left and right margins. Click and hold on the "<<" or ">>" gadgets to increase or decrease the margins. Purty doesn't check with Preferences when it starts. It just defaults to a common bunch of settings. Nor does Purty tell Preferences what the new settings are. Charles Tyson Peoplelink C-M-T GEnie C.TYSON