Almanac for Windows Version 0.96 8/5/90 WHAT'S NEXT! I have decided to concentrate my current efforts on establishing the 1.0 release of Almanac. No major features will be added until this version is released. I will review the suggestions for enhancements that I have received so far for possible inclusion in 1.0. Version 1.0 should be available in mid August. Version 1.1 will be a full Windows 3.0 implementation of Almanac; again, no major enhancements are planned, although the version will contain many significant changes to exploit the enhancments to Windows in level 3.0. I'll suggest a target date of late September or October for version 1.1. Subsequent versions will resume the enhancement development. I hope to be designing new features and extending the capabilities of current features as soon as version 1.0 is released. -Len