Nazwa/Grupa Wymagany Sprzët Name/Group Hardware Required Typ HD Ile Type HD HowMuch (MB) Bleu/NGC A1200 | + | 2.2 Book_of_songs/Complex A500 | | 1.7 Chip!/Axis A1200 | + | 0.3 Chip_nostalgia/Rebels A1200 | + | 0.2 Chip_squared/Axis A500 | + | 0.1 Crossroads/Jewels A1200 | + | 2.5 Crystal_symphonies_2/Phenomena A500 | | 0.8 Extemporized/Digital A500 | | 0.8 Extraordinary_hardcore_vibes/Corrosion A1200 | + | 1.5 Fish_&_chips_4/Sonik_Clique A500 | + | 0.1 Gastric_ulcer/Sonic A500 | | 0.6 Gudule/Mad_Dogs_&_Syndrome A1200 | + | 1.4 Imperial_tunes_2/Parasite A500 | | 0.7 Jesterday/Sanity A500 | | 0.8 Legalize_it/Anarchy A500 | | 0.8 Legalize_it_2/Anarchy A500 | | 1.6 Memorial_songs/Alcatraz A500 | | 1.1 Memorial_songs_2/Razor_1911 A1200 | + | 1.7 Mirror/Andromeda A500 | | 1.6 Mr_natural/LSD A500 | + | 0.9 No_name/Scoopex A1200 | + | 0.6 Phuture_trax/Royal A500 | + | 1.4 Scoopex_melodies/Scoopex A500 | | 2 Sliced_for_good/Power_Line A1200 | + | 0.9 Sound_barrier/Balance A500 | | 1.6 Splidium/Jormas A1200 | + | 1.6 Surfing_on.../Grooving_Brothers A1200 | + | 1.6 The_dog's_cogs/Nerve_Axis A1200 | | 2.1 Time_&_emotion/Axis A1200 | + | 0.9 Turmoil/Sanity A500 | | 0.8 Virgill_dreams/Essence A1200 | + | 2.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legenda: Typ - Typ komputera wymagany do uruchomienia "music-disk'u". HD - Jeôli w rubryce "HD" umieszczony jest znak "+", oznacza to, ûe dany "music-disk" da sië uruchomiê z dysku twardego lub Ram'u. W przeciwnym razie zmuszeni jesteômy rozpakowaê go na dyskietki. Ile - Rubryka "Ile" zawiera informacje o tym, ile "music-disk" zajmuje na dysku twardym. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descriptions: Type - Type of computer required to run music-disk. HD - If there's a '+' symbol in the 'HD' column, it means, that there's a possibility to run this music-disk from your hard drive or RamDisk. If not, you're obliged to unarchive this music-disk on floppy disks. HowMuch - 'HowMuch' column includes information such as how much HD space this music-disk takes.