Nazwa/Grupa Wymagany Sprzët Name/Group Hardware Required Typ HD Ile Type HD HowMuch (MB) Defy_6/Cydonia A500 | + | 0.7 Generation_23/Artwork A1200 | + | 0.9 Hardcore_3/Corrosion A500 | + | 0.8 Miracle_1/Iris A500 | + | 0.4 No_sense_2/C-lous A1200 | + | 0.8 Probe_1/The_Problem A1200 | + | 4 Rage_1/ A1200 | + | 0.6 Raw_9/ A500 | + | 0.8 Rom_8/Essence A500 | + | 1.2 Seenpoint_4/Sardonyx A1200 | + | 0.7 Show_time_4/Ram_jam A1200 | + | 1.6 The_charts_16/Ram_jam A500 | | 0.8 The_jungle_8/X-Trade A500 | + | 0.5 Upstream_10/Balance A500 | + | 0.6 X-Files_12/Ethic A1200 | + | 0.6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legenda: Typ - Typ komputera wymagany do uruchomienia magazynu/pack'u. HD - Jeôli w rubryce "HD" umieszczony jest znak "+", oznacza to, ûe dany magazyn/pack da sië uruchomiê z dysku twardego lub Ram'u. W przeciwnym razie zmuszeni jesteômy rozpakowaê go na dyskietki. Ile - Rubryka "Ile" zawiera informacje o tym, ile magazyn/pack zajmuje na dysku twardym. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descriptions: Type - Type of computer required to run magazine/pack. HD - If there's a '+' symbol in the 'HD' column, it means, that there's a possibility to run this magazine/pack from your hard drive or RamDisk. If not, you're obliged to unarchive it on floppy disks. HowMuch - 'HowMuch' column includes information such as how much HD space this magazine/pack takes.