Nazwa/Grupa Wymagany Sprzët Name/Group Hardware Required Typ HD Ile Type HD HowMuch (MB) A_few_good_men/Gods A1200 | + | 0.9 Art_core/Scoopex A1200 | + | 0.8 Blob/Polka_brothers A1200 | + | 1.1 Color_crime/X-trade A500 | | 1.2 Dreams/Cydonia A1200 | + | 3 Fairy_tale/Axis A1200 | + | 3.3 Focused_on_art/Anarchy A500 | + | 0.3 Forgotten/Mirage A500 | | 0.7 Honey_comb/TRSI A500 | | 1.7 Istanbul_style/Bronx A1200 | | 0.6 Laterna_magica/Luke_&_J.O.E. A500 | | 0.5 Jade/Pixel_Studio_Pictures A1200 | + | 1 Museum/Alcatraz A500 | | 0.6 Never_liked_uno/Lego A500 | + | 0.8 Pixel_storm/Abyss A1200 | + | 0.7 Prism/Melon_Dezign A500 | | 0.7 Revelations/Cryptoburners A500 | + | 0.8 Seven_seas/Andromeda A500 | | 1.4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legenda: Typ - Typ komputera wymagany do uruchomienia "slideshow'u". HD - Jeôli w rubryce "HD" umieszczony jest znak "+", oznacza to, ûe dany "slideshow" da sië uruchomiê z dysku twardego lub Ram'u. W przeciwnym razie zmuszeni jesteômy rozpakowaê go na dyskietki. Ile - Rubryka "Ile" zawiera informacje o tym, ile "slideshow" zajmuje na dysku twardym. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descriptions: Type - Type of computer required to run the slideshow. HD - If there's a '+' symbol in the 'HD' column, it means, that there's a possibility to run this slideshow from your hard drive or RamDisk. If not, you're obliged to unarchive it on floppy disks. HowMuch - 'HowMuch' column includes information such as how much HD space the slideshow takes.