••••••••••••••••••••• DS Error Table 1 dsBusError bus error 2 dsAddressErr address error 3 dsIllInstErr illegal instruction error 4 dsZeroDivErr zero divide error 5 dsChkErr check trap error 6 dsOvflowErr overflow trap error 7 dsPrivErr privelege violation error 8 dsTraceErr trace mode error 9 dsLineAErr line 1010 trap error 10 dsLineFErr line 1111 trap error 11 dsMiscErr miscellaneous hardware exception error 12 dsCoreErr unimplemented core routine error 13 dsIrqErr uninstalled interrupt error 14 dsIOCoreErr IO Core Error 15 dsLoadErr Segment Loader Error 16 dsFPErr Floating point error 17 dsNoPackErr package 0 not present 18 dsNoPk1 package 1 not present 19 dsNoPk2 package 2 not present 20 dsNoPk3 package 3 not present 21 dsNoPk4 package 4 not present 22 dsNoPk5 package 5 not present 23 dsNoPk6 package 6 not present 24 dsNoPk7 package 7 not present 25 dsMemFullErr out of memory! 26 dsBadLaunch can't launch file 27 dsFSErr file system map has been trashed 28 dsStknHeap stack has moved into application heap 30 dsReinsert request user to reinsert off-line volume 31 dsNotThe1 not the disk I wanted 33 negZcbFreeErr ZcbFree has gone negative 40 dsGreeting welcome to Macintosh greeting 41 dsFinderErr can't load the Finder error 42 shutDownAlert handled like a shutdown error 51 dsBadSlotInt unserviceable slot interrupt 81 dsBadSANEopcode bad opcode given to SANE Pack4 84 menuPrgErr happens when a menu is purged 85 dsMBarNFnd Menu Manager Errors 86 dsHMenuFindErr Menu Manager Errors 32767 dsSysErr general system error ••••••••••••••••••••• Serial Driver Error Masks 1 swOverrunErr 16 parityErr 31 hwOverrunErr 64 framingErr ••••••••••••••••••••• Slot Declaration ROM Manager Errors 1 siInitSDTblErr slot int dispatch table could not be initialized. 2 siInitVBLQsErr VBLqueues for all slots could not be initialized. 3 siInitSPTblErr slot priority table could not be initialized. 10 sdmJTInitErr SDM Jump Table could not be initialized. 11 sdmInitErr SDM could not be initialized. 12 sdmSRTInitErr Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. 13 sdmPRAMInitErr Slot PRAM could not be initialized. 14 sdmPriInitErr Cards could not be initialized. ••••••••••••••••••••• General System Errors (VBL Mgr, Queueing, Etc.) 0 noErr 0 for success -1 qErr queue element not found during deletion -2 vTypErr invalid queue element -3 corErr core routine number out of range -4 unimpErr unimplemented core routine -8 seNoDB no debugger installed to handle debugger command ••••••••••••••••••••• Color Manager Errors -9 iTabPurgErr from Color2Index/ITabMatch -10 noColMatch from Color2Index/ITabMatch -11 qAllocErr from MakeITable -12 tblAllocErr from MakeITable -13 overRun from MakeITable -14 noRoomErr from MakeITable -15 seOutOfRange from SetEntry -16 seProtErr from SetEntry -17 i2CRangeErr from SetEntry -18 gdBadDev from SetEntry -19 reRangeErr from SetEntry -20 seInvRequest from SetEntry -21 seNoMemErr from SetEntry ••••••••••••••••••••• I/O System Errors -17 controlErr -18 statusErr -19 readErr -20 writErr -21 badUnitErr -22 unitEmptyErr -23 openErr -24 closErr -25 dRemovErr tried to remove an open driver -26 dInstErr DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources -27 abortErr IO call aborted by KillIO -27 iIOAbortErr IO abort error (Printing Manager) -28 notOpenErr Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened -29 unitTblFullErr unit table has no more entries -30 dceExtErr dce extension error ••••••••••••••••••••• File System Errors -33 dirFulErr Directory full -34 dskFulErr disk full -35 nsvErr no such volume -36 ioErr I/O error (bummers) -37 bdNamErr there may be no bad names in the final system! -38 fnOpnErr File not open -39 eofErr End of file -40 posErr tried to position to before start of file (r/w) -41 mFulErr memory full (open) or file won't fit (load) -42 tmfoErr too many files open -43 fnfErr File not found -44 wPrErr diskette is write protected -45 fLckdErr file is locked -46 vLckdErr volume is locked -47 fBsyErr File is busy (delete) -48 dupFNErr duplicate filename (rename) -49 opWrErr file already open with with write permission -50 paramErr error in user parameter list -51 rfNumErr refnum error -52 gfpErr get file position error -53 volOffLinErr volume not on line error (was Ejected) -54 permErr permissions error (on file open) -55 volOnLinErr drive volume already on-line at MountVol -56 nsDrvErr no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num) -57 noMacDskErr not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong) -58 extFSErr volume in question belongs to an external fs -59 fsRnErr file system internal error: during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored… -60 badMDBErr bad master directory block -61 wrPermErr write permissions error ••••••••••••••••••••• Font Manager Error Codes -64 fontDecError error during font declaration -65 fontNotDeclared font not declared -66 fontSubErr font substitution occured ••••••••••••••••••••• Disk, Serial Ports, Clock Specific Errors -64 lastDskErr -64 noDriveErr drive not installed -65 offLinErr r/w requested for an off-line drive -66 noNybErr couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries -67 noAdrMkErr couldn't find valid addr mark -68 dataVerErr read verify compare failed -69 badCksmErr addr mark checksum didn't check -70 badBtSlpErr bad addr mark bit slip nibbles -71 noDtaMkErr couldn't find a data mark header -72 badDCksum bad data mark checksum -73 badDBtSlp bad data mark bit slip nibbles -74 wrUnderrun write underrun occurred -75 cantStepErr step handshake failed -76 tk0BadErr track 0 detect doesn't change -77 initIWMErr unable to initialize IWM -78 twoSideErr tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive -79 spdAdjErr unable to correctly adjust disk speed -80 seekErr track number wrong on address mark -81 sectNFErr sector number never found on a track -82 fmt1Err can't find sector 0 after track format -83 fmt2Err can't get enough sync -84 verErr track failed to verify -84 firstDskErr -85 clkRdErr unable to read same clock value twice -86 clkWrErr time written did not verify -87 prWrErr parameter ram written didn't read-verify -88 prInitErr InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized -89 rcvrErr SCC receiver error (framing, parity, OR) -90 breakRecd Break received (SCC) ••••••••••••••••••••• AppleTalk error codes -91 ddpSktErr error in soket number -92 ddpLenErr data length too big -93 noBridgeErr no network bridge for non-local send -94 lapProtErr error in attaching/detaching protocol -95 excessCollsns excessive collisions on write -97 portInUse driver Open error code (port is in use) -98 portNotCf driver Open error code (parameter RAM not configured for this connection) -99 memROZErr hard error in ROZ -99 memROZWarn soft error in ROZ ••••••••••••••••••••• Scrap Manager error codes -100 noScrapErr No scrap exists error -102 noTypeErr No object of that type in scrap ••••••••••••••••••••• Storage allocator error codes -108 memFullErr Not enough room in heap zone -109 nilHandleErr Handle was NIL in HandleZone or other -110 memAdrErr address was odd, or out of range -111 memWZErr WhichZone failed (applied to free block) -112 memPurErr trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block -113 memAZErr Address in zone check failed -114 memPCErr Pointer Check failed -115 memBCErr Block Check failed -116 memSCErr Size Check failed -117 memLockedErr trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi) ••••••••••••••••••••• New system error codes -120 dirNFErr Directory not found -121 tmwdoErr No free WDCB available -122 badMovErr Move into offspring error -123 wrgVolTypErr Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS] -124 volGoneErr Server volume has been disconnected. -125 updPixMemErr insufficient memory to update a pixmap ••••••••••••••••••••• Menu Manager -126 mBarNFnd system error code for MBDF not found -127 hMenuFindErr could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey ••••••••••••••••••••• Color Quickdraw & Color Manager Errors -150 cMatchErr Color2Index failed to find an index -151 cTempMemErr failed to allocate memory for temporary structures -152 cNoMemErr failed to allocate memory for structure -153 cRangeErr range error on colorTable request -154 cProtectErr colorTable entry protection violation -155 cDevErr invalid type of graphics device -156 cResErr invalid resolution for MakeITable ••••••••••••••••••••• Resource Manager errors (other than I/O errors) -192 resNotFound Resource not found -193 resFNotFound Resource file not found -194 addResFailed AddResource failed -195 addRefFailed AddReference failed -196 rmvResFailed RmveResource failed -197 rmvRefFailed RmveReference failed -198 resAttrErr attribute inconsistent with operation -199 mapReadErr map inconsistent with operation ••••••••••••••••••••• Sound Manager Error Returns -200 noHardware -201 notEnoughHardware -203 queueFull -204 resProblem -205 badChannel -206 badFormat ••••••••••••••••••••• Errors specific to the start mgr. -290 smSDMInitErr SDM could not be initialized. -290 smSRTInitErr Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. -290 smPRAMInitErr Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. -290 smPriInitErr Cards could not be initialized. -300 smEmptySlot No card in slot -301 smCRCFail CRC check failed for declaration data -302 smFormatErr FHeader Format is not Apple's -303 smRevisionErr Wrong revison level -304 smNoDir Directory offset is Nil -305 smLWTstBad Long Word test field <> $5A932BC7. -306 smNosInfoArray No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error. -307 smResrvErr Fatal reserved error. Resreved field <> 0. -308 smUnExBusErr Unexpected BusError -309 smBLFieldBad ByteLanes field was bad. -310 smFHBlockRdErr Error occured during _sGetFHeader. -311 smFHBlkDispErr Error occured during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block). -312 smDisposePErr _DisposePointer error -313 smNoBoardsRsrc No Board sResource. -314 smGetPRErr Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus). -315 smNoBoardId No Board Id. -316 smIntStatVErr The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init. -317 smIntTblVErr An error occured while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table. -318 smNoJmpTbl SDM jump table could not be created. -319 smBadBoardId BoardId was wrong, re-init the PRAM record. -320 smBusErrTO BusError time out. -330 smBadRefId Reference Id not found in List -331 smBadsList Bad sList: Id1