LIS:HAM BBS listing AMCOM, Ohio's Largest PCBoard, presents the latest monthly update of: HAML1189.ZIP National and foreign list of Ham and Short Wave Listener BBS's ( of November 1, 1989... please discard lists over a month old ) (C)opyright 1989 William G. Poissant THANKS AND OVERVIEW ------------------- Thanks to all of you that are helping to prepare this list and working to keep it current and acurate! We really do welcome and appreciate your help! AMCOM, one of the largest PC Boards in the world, has initiated an effort to put together and maintain one of the most accurate and extensive listings of telephone BBS's providing dedicated or extensive coverage to the ham and short wave listening (SWL) communities. The most current version of HAMLnnnn.ZIP will be released first here on AMCOM, and then to other selected BBS's at the beginning of each month. We anticipate that the list will grow rapidly, particularly over the next few months as new additions arrive! Keep an eye out for the new HAML lists for more excellent systems to call! WHAT IS AMCOM, AND WHY IS AMCOM PROVIDING HAMLnnn.ZIP? ----------------------------------------------------- AMCOM is a world class, multi-node networked system with over 1.5 gigabytes of high speed storage and 15 computers supporting its activities and caller base. We have approximately 500 ham and SWL files, and about 20,000 programs on line --- ------ at all times for our callers use and convenience. We are, and have been a user validated system since our inception. We attempt to minimize risk of trojan and virus programs through the use of relatively sophisticated detection/prevention methods on an ongoing basis. We try to stay on the leading edge of BBS technology, and to provide our callers with the quality public domain and shareware software. HAMLnnn.ZIP is an attempt to provide a useful list for our and other bbs caller's convenience, in keeping with the above policy. HOW EASY IS IT TO GET ON AMCOM, AND HOW EASY IS IT TO USE? --------------------------------------------------------- You should be able to get on AMCOM relatively easily since it is PC Pursuitable (OHCLE), and has 6 full time lines. We use the popular PCBoard software on a dedicated 386 networked system. Most think that the software used on AMCOM is easy to use. WHO USES AMCOM? WHY IS IT THOUGHT A GOOD DISTRUBUTION POINT FOR HAMLnnnn.ZIP? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a world class system, AMCOM attracts a steady stream of sysops and other callers from outide Ohio and around the world, seeking software and updated lists for their BBS's and personal use. Since we have a number of sysops that support Ham and SWL areas, and since we are already one of the major sources for their software... it made sense for us to initiate and continue the effort to provide HAMLnnn.ZIP. Since we currently offer system support for 6 languages (more are planned for the near future), we think the chances that the effort will provide some benefit to the ham and bbs community is relatively good. We do try to cater to the special needs of our foreign and out-of-state callers... offering 38400 to 1200 baud and V.32 capability. We do have a number of foreign and out of state callers on role, which should help in distribution of the list. We also offer an Amateur Radio/SWL Conference for message exchange and data. By the way, AMCOM is always looking for new software for our callers... if you have something we do not have, we would appreciate you're uploading it! DO I HAVE TO PAY TO GET ON AMCOM TO PROVIDE UPDATES FOR MY OR OTHER SYTEMS, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OR TO DOWNLOAD A MORE CURRENT HAMLnnnn,ZIP FILE? ----------------------------------------------- No! .... AMCOM provides one free line for all normal bbs functions to all well mannered callers. The number for the free access node is: 216-526-9490... HAMLnnnn.ZIP will also be available as a free download on all 6 lines, to all ----------------------------- callers, even if you do don't want to become a subscriber, or register for access on AMCOM's free access node... just come and download HAMLnnn.ZIP from Dir 1 and you're on your way... no obligation and we hope HAML will be of help to you. We also provide subscription access to the areas outside dir 1 on the 6 lines to subscription callers, for those wishing to use the other capabilities that AMCOM provides. We hope to see you often on AMCOM. We also recommend that you call the many excellent BBS's contained in HAMLnnnn.ZIP! DO I NEED TO REGISTER ON AMCOM TO ADD, CHANGE OR DELERTE ENTRIES FROM HAMLnnn? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, while HAMLnnnn is a "free" download from AMCOM, additions and changes to it will require registration on at least the free node to provide control over changes to the list. HE CALLS IN FROM "GITMO" ----------------------- We are pleased as punch to have Tim Miller KG4TM, Guantanimo Bay, Cuba... as the host of AMCOM's Amateur Radio/SWL Conference. Tim is one of those "hard to find critters" that is knowledgable in almost all areas of radio communications, and has helped many to obtain their amateur licenses. A great guy... ....well qualified, and willing to give folks a helping hand if needed. AND NOW TO GET THE REQUIRED READING OUT OF THE WAY -------------------------------------------------- While I reserve all copyright priviliges, this listing may be distributed freely to bulletin boards as long as there is no fee charged for distribution of the file, and as long as HAML is not altered in any way. BBS operators may include HAML in file libraries on BBS's that charge access fees for use of their BBS. Other than for the foregoing, HAML may not be reproduced in whole or in part, for any purposes other than as a file for download by the callers of a BBS. It's use as a BBS Bulletin, "news item," reference source, or for any other purposes is prohibited without the author's written permission, and is the exclusive property of William G. Poissant. AMCOM, it's staff, and Bill Poissant shall not be held liable or responsible in any fashion for the use or misuse of the data contained in this listing. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is provided including fitness of purpose. You assume full responsibility for the use of this material. While we do try to provide an accurate list, the possibility of error is present. If you find that it contains erroneous data, please call it to our attention. THE CURRENT HAML LIST --------------------- The following is a list of known telephone BBS's that support Amateur Radio and SWL. Some of the following BBS's are strictly for hams, while others support separate Conferences or special interest groups (SIG's) for hams and SWL's, or have extensive radio-related files and/or message bases. If in calling one of these systems, you find nothing to indicate its relationship to Ham Radio/SWL, or find that it has been disconnected, please let us know so we can remove it. While AMCOM can not guarantee the accuracy of HAML, we do strive to keep it up-to-date. Please send any additions, changes, deletions, etc. to: AMCOM Main Data line: 216-526-9480 (6 lines rotor) Free Data line: 216-526-9480 38400/19200/9600/2400/1200 baud N/8/1 or mail to: AMCOM HAM-LIST P.O.Box 31752 Cleveland, OH 44131 /^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\ A/C Phone Name SYSOP T City ST Codes ___ ________ ____________________ ____________________ _______________ __ _____ ( AMCOM - Home of the Ham/SWL BBS list... HAMLnnn.ZIP ) 216-526-9480 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH 216-526-9481 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH 216-526-9482 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH 9 216-526-9485 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH 9X 216-526-9489 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH 9YV 216-526-9490 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 201-245-6614 The Micro Room WA2BFW NJ 201-271-4517 WB2TIX Radio BBS WB2TIX Bound Brook NJ 201-385-1693 Radio CMBS NJ 201-423-4258 Computer Nookery Jim Wheater P *-Hawthorne NJ 9 201-494-3417 Planet Shadowstar KB2CZO, N2HBN S. Plainfield NJ 201-494-3649 Micro-Fone TBBS John Kelly,K2SHY S *-Metuchen NJ 201-694-8122 Sonnet Center Jim Sadur T *-Mountain View NJ 201-757-1491 Holly Park PBBS Dick Roberts Piscataway NJ 201-943-7759 N2DSY CBBS? N2DSY Little Falls NJ 202-280-5423 Capital Connection Bob Shuck-KB4ZSS P Washington DC 9 202-280-5490 Capital Connection Bob Shuck-KB4ZSS P Washington DC 9V 203-237-1717 Summa Zulla Znode 43 KA1TB Meriden, CT 203-366-1234 Dave's FIDO Bridgeport CT 205-598-6079 Elmer BBS WA6LMM/4 Fort Rucker AL 205-649-2894 Mobile Alabama BBS NN4Y Mobile AL 205-758-5017 The Bulletin Board W4WYP/WD4DAT AL 205-853-6144 Bham Sperry, 60M Jack Efird P * Birmingham AL 9H 205-987-9818 Superboard AL 205-988-4816 Superboard AL 206-763-8879 Sea-Comm 80 W7TWU Seattle WA 206-767-3223 Amateur Radio Supply WB7EWO/W7PV (6PM-9AM)Seattle WA 206-783-4818 Hi-Tech BBS W7UZB Seattle WA 212-250-7090 Packeteers of NY BBS KB2CQ New York NY 212-380-3864 Atari BBS K2BSM NY 212-645-2176 Metro CPU NY 212-781-4723 Friends Gerry Pulver P *-New York NY 213-376-6221 Beach City KB6MND CA CA 213-377-0450 Amateur World N6OQU Palos Verdes CA 213-541-2503 WB6YMH (GFRN) RCP/M WB6YMH Palos Verdes CA 214-223-0983 ? Mark Collard Dallas TX 214-394-7438 Datalink BBS Jeff Wallach *>Dallas TX 9U 214-960-2730 NN5I BBS NN5I TX TX 215-482-0262 PARA Time Warp W3IX Philadelphia PA 215-572-5890 WA3DSP BBS WA3DSP Glenside PA 215-628-9265 K4KWW BBS K4KWW PA 215-827-7689 K3DSM BBS K3DSM Malvern PA 215-948-0593 K3DSM BBS K3DSM Malvern PA 216-349-4515 Infoguide Josef Stiene P >Cleveland OH 9X 216-526-9480 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH 216-526-9481 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH 216-526-9482 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH 9 216-526-9485 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH 9X 216-526-9489 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH 9YV 216-526-9490 AMCOM Bill Poissant P >Cleveland OH 216-529-0121 Signal BBS Howard Laymon P >Cleveland OH 216-745-7855 Akron Computer Group WA8SNF *-Akron OH 216-942-6382 Hamnet David Speltz R >Cleveland OH 9 216-942-7516 Hamnet David Speltz R >Cleveland OH H 216-951-4287 Eastlake Ken Bayko P >Cleveland OH 217-368-3124 ANARC ANARC Springfield IL 218-525-1788 ? Ron Carlson Duluth MN 301-272-5313 Aberdeen Interface Aberdeen MD 301-350-1299 Mad Faces BBS Kim Wells *>Upper Marlboro MD 301-495-7323 Nat. Capitol Wing MD 301-540-1378 WB6RQN Usenet gtwy. WB6RQN Germantown MD 301-540-9095 WB6RQN Usenet gtwy. WB6RQN Germantown MD 301-670-9621 3 Winks W3INK Gaithersburg MD 301-831-5954 The WJ3P Exchange Lucas Spiros P * Mt. Airy MD 301-869-7650 3 Winks W3INK Gaithersburg MD 301-926-8187 3 Winks W3INK Gaithersburg MD 303-497-6968 Boulder FIDO Boulder CO 303-593-0766 HIP Shack Fido BBS N3EUA Colo. Springs CO 303-781-1079 Photo Tech CO 304-273-4136 ? Emmett Earley Ravenswood WV 305-773-5033 Computer Hustler Satellite BeachFL 305-859-9443 Orlando Communicator WA4GIF Orlando FL 312-529-1586 Elk Grove Village N9DKO Chicago IL 312-674-1638 Bill's PCBoard William Knopp P *>Lincolnwood IL H 312-776-5561 N9CSA Ham & Hobby Jay Serafin P Chicago IL 313-239-9690 Flint BBS N8DYB/(KA8OCN?) Flint MI 313-629-2854 Flint Area BBS KA8OCN Flint MI 313-759-6569 Royal Oak RCP/M W8SDZ Royal Oak MI 317-654-6555 The Friendly BBS Jason Seabolt P Frankfort IN 317-882-4454 IBM-Net Connection Rex Hawkins P Indianapolis IN 9 317-882-5575 IBM-Net Connection Rex Hawkins P * Indianapolis IN 9 318-688-7078 NoChange #2 Mike Berry Shreveport LA 319-557-9659 Sunshine BBS AI9D/KA0JAW Cedar Rapids IA 404-289-2050 No Frills BBS WB4LBM Decatur GA 404-363-1640 Hams Bulletin Board WA4CBT Forest Park GA 404-476-7970 Ham Board One GA 404-491-6365 Flagship Express KC4ME Atlanta GA 404-493-4708 Randy's BBS GA 404-834-9097 Commodore Msg. Ctr. KB4EUX Carrollton GA 404-949-0687 Lockheed Amateur BBS George Carrier P Douglasville GA 406-256-8717 ? Dave Williams Billings MT 408-674-5048 Elmer II WA6LMM Greenfield CA 408-735-7190 PD Software Exchange CA 409-838-3761 Lamar University BBS WB5VNX Galveston TX 414-543-0988 Milwaukee City ARES WB9YSG Mil. City ML 415-574-3663 Toad Hall J Thaddeus P San Carlos CA 415-595-2427 Toad Hall J Thaddeus P San Carlos CA 415-858-0363 Packet UNIX BBS login: packet, password: net 415-961-7250 BBS-JC K6LLK CA 504-834-2544 The Connection Keith LaBorde New Orleans LA 505-646-5194 Teacher's Pet FIDO K5XY/W4GHV NM 508-949-3590 The Ham Shack Don Eklund P Webster MA 509-697-7298 Cent. Washington BBS K7NTV Selah WA 512-734-3521 Radio Flyer KA5SWI San Antonio TX 512-837-0953 Jimnet BBS Jim Westbrook Q * Austin TX 513-777-1234 PME-FIDO BBS WB8BFW OH 515-961-3325 W0RPK AMSAT BBS W0RPK Indianola IA 516-293-2283 Radio ElectronicsBBS R.E. Magazine Farmingdale NY 516-472-0691 The Idea X-Change N2AYB Bayport NY 516-561-6590 L.I.C.A. Limbs Dave Minott P * Long I. City NY 9 516-661-3643 South Shore ARC WB2VOZ Long Island NY 516-736-2208 Bald Hill Tech. Ctl. W2JUP Farmingville NY 603-424-5497 Stateline BBS Bob Wescott Merrimack NH 603-888-6999 Access-80 Nashua NH 603-924-9809 73 Magazine KW1O Peterborough NH 609-268-9597 Morningstar Keep KA2BQE Indian Mills NJ 609-652-2921 ACADEMIA WB2DRD Pomona NJ 609-652-4914 Stockton State Col Tom McNally P Pomona NJ 609-652-4923 Stockton State Col Tom McNally P Pomona NJ 9 609-693-8849 Jersey Shore BBS W2FJC NJ 609-859-1910 Pinelands RBBS Tom Sundstrom R * Vincentown NJ 609-894-4366 N2EHM BBS N2EHM Pemberton NJ 612-291-0567 Digital Newsletter K0TG St. Paul MN 612-431-1149 HR Commodore Clique WA0CQG Apple Valley MN 612-920-L5MN NASA/ESA press rels. L5 Society Minneapolis MN 614-457-4227 Ham BBS (HBBS) N8EMR Columbus OH 615-690-5467 Volunteer Ed Dial X * Knoxville TN H 617-565-9136 WB3ABN BBS WB3ABN Boston MA 617-923-7605 MassHam BBS K1OJH MA 619-279-3921 Night OWL RBBS Steve Wilmet R *>San Diego CA 9 701-746-4814 Shortwave Network ND 703-250-1837 SMA Scanner BBS VA 703-435-0836 Sterling Info Exch. KF4GL VA 703-450-7807 The Circus George Smiley Vienna VA 9 703-648-1841 Virginia Connection Tony McClenny P *>Reston VA 9 703-734-1387 AMRAD BBS K8MMO McLean VA 713-242-6041 KC5UP BBS KC5UP Houston TX 713-280-8711 NASA Activities NASA Houston TX 714-681-0731 Ham Radio West John Warren Riverside CA 716-885-6604 TechPlus Systems James Cornell Buffalo NY 9L 718-268-2062 Apple Sauce BBS NY 718-698-7875 Hamnet New York NY 718-761-5727 Shortwave BBS David Snyder Staten Island NY 803-871-3468 Tinbrain's BBS Summerville SC 804-363-9263 Software Link of VAB Steve Shrader P VA Beach VA 804-471-3360 Tidewater AR/CF Jim Rhodes P VA Beach VA 9 805-251-5558 Westlink Report BBS (entry: WLR) Canyon Country CA 805-942-0329 Superbyte NE6I Lancaster CA 805-947-4357 WB6FIU Fido BBS WB6FIU Palmdale CA 805-967-0895 Compucations BBS Santa Barbara CA 806-352-2482 The Radio Board Ron Chase P Amarillo TX 9 806-352-9365 The Radio Board Ron Chase P Amarillo TX 812-332-7227 Indiana On-Line John Taylor R * Bloomington IN 9M 813-874-3078 Pac-Comm, Inc. BBS KC2FF/W1BEL Tampa FL 813-920-8820 Prof Data Exchange John Brock,K8WVH P$* Tampa FL 9YV 816-241-1012 N0AJI BBS (a/c 314?) N0AJI St. Louis MO 816-331-7023 Online II Ham Radio Belton MO 816-833-3427 Ham BBS Independence MO 817-Dept. of Electronics Tech. Mark Hicks P Fort Worth TX Z 818-967-3108 Dataline N6ECN Pasadena CA 818-998-0319 CSC Ham BBS K6IYK Pasadena CA 904-651-8684 Hot Muddy Duck N4HMD Pensacola FL 904-733-4515 Jace Jacksonville FL 907-243-0324 ? Dick Phillips Anchorage AK 914-359-0180 Mnematics Videotext WA2IAC/(K2SK-HR SIG) Sparkill NY 914-485-3393 Hamnet-80 Bob Farrell Poughkeepsie NY 919-353-0610 Broadcasting TBBS Jacksonville NC 919-822-4968 Fayetteville Am Rad Carlos Vega P Fayetteville NC --- Foreign Listings --- 416-231-0669 Humber Queensway BBS Kevin Adams P Toronto,ON Canada 416-252-9306 Humber Queensway BBS Kevin Adams P Toronto,ON Canada 416-252-9692 Humber College BBS VE3OOZ (?) Toronto,ON Canada 416-598-1934 Boards Galore Canada 902-868-2475 VE1E1 BBS Doug Oldridge P Halfax, NS Canada T 011-353-1-88-56-34 Dublin Users BBS (Swdn Callers DX?) Dublin, Ireland 011-?-45-395 Radio Netherlands FIDO BBS Hillrisen, Holland 011-?-070752242 RSGB Databox United Kingdom /^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\ KEY: --- Baud rates / modem types: ( Default = 300/450/1200/2400 Baud ) H - 9600 baud - Hayes 9 - 9600 baud - USRobotics HST 0 - 9600 baud - unknown brand L - Limited 300 baud hours M - MNP error correction T - Telebit/Trailblazer/VenTel V - CCITT V.32 capability X - 19200 BAUD - USRobotics HST Y - 38400 BAUD - USRobotics HST Z - Microcom (AX9624c) Other: > - PC Puruitable - - probably not available via PC Pursuit * - Changed since last listing BBS software used: P - PCBoard Q - Quick BBS R - RBBS S - Searchlight W - Wildcat X - BBS-PC,Fido,GAP,Genesis,NoChange,PC-Host,RyBBS,TAG,WWIV,or custom (C)opyright 1989 William G. Poissant 467