LIS:What is a Computer Bulletin Board? by Bill Bennett * Bulletin Boards are computers hooked up to the phone lines and provide a means for others to communicate with your computer, or other computers to exchange information, messages, files, programs. * The Computer is capable of recieving phone calls only from other computers. This type of system is not something you call with an ordinary telephone, although it does use ordinary phone lines to operate. * Most Bulletin Boards have one phone line for access, some have several phone lines for easier access. * The System Operator (SysOp) is the person 'in charge' of overseeing the operation and maintence of the system. CoSysops are users that the SysOp has given special access or authority to in order to help manage the system. Who calls a Computer Bulletin Board? * This depends largely upon the content of the system. If the discussions are adult (heavy theology) related, then mostly adults and overly intellectual kids will call. If the system is known for stupid sophmorish jokes, then kids will call most often. The SysOp pretty much sets the tone of the system. * You will get all kinds of callers. People that are lonely, people that are argumentative. People that are afraid to answer the door, but willing to listen to someone present the Gospel via a computer... they know they can 'pull the plug' whenever they choose, instead of having to listen to you all night. * More often than not, the people that call are generally anti-social. They have trouble communicating with others face-to-face, and the computer gives then a sense of security and power. They are self-conscience about something, the computer hides the obvious, thereby 'equalizing' the ground they will be communicating on. * Ocassionally, we will get handicapped folks. They really enjoy being able to communicate with others. Communicating via computer 'hides' the handicapp, thereby 'giving the handicapped individual confidence to speak up publically and voice their opinions without feeling like they are any different and anyone else. * If it is a Christian BBS, ocassionally, people will call in with questions they want answered immediately for some given situation they are in, that troubles them. * Curiousity seekers, those folks that just like to poke around here and there, not really committed to anything in particular, but interested in seeing what you have to say. What kind of information is on a Bulletin Board? * Messages that people are exchanging. It can be in public so that everyone can read it, or privately so that only whom the message is addressed to can read it. People will write messages back and forth, the BBS provides the 'medium' that stores those messages & information. This can be espically helpful for missionaries, evangelists & the like that are on the road. They can call 'home' 24hrs a day to get their 'electronic mail'. * Information files on a large variety of subjects. We carry personal testimonies, tracts, articles on cults, apologetics, Biblical research & word studies, inspirational & devotional materials, as well as articles on current events and Christian issues AND sermons. This is always accessable, and we constantly add new information files. * Programs, such as Bible search programs, Church management programs, Bible oriented games, Of course, we carry the complete KING JAMES BIBLE, with software to search it like a concordance. * Much of the information is provided by Pastors that wish to perpetuate their sermons & Biblical research. Litterally thousands of folks will read a single sermon over the period of years, and since this information is accessable to people all over the world, multitudes can benefit by a single message or tract. How do "I" run a Bulletin Board? * You purchase software, add a phone line, do a little advertizing on other systems (leave a message telling others that you run a BBS, with the number of course), and start writing messages. In the case of S.O.N./Vatican Bank, we write our own software that is uniquely CHRISTIAN in scope and emphasis. Secular BBS's usually are not interested in having the KJV Bible online & intergrated fully into the system. We don't believe some of their 'features' & 'games' (pornographic pictures or Dungeons & Dragons ) are proper for a Christian System. * Get other Christians interested in the system. You will need their prayers as well as moral support. What is needed to run a Bulletin Board? * A computer, preferably a MS-DOS machine or an Epson QX-10 * At least a 20 meg Hard disk - with at least 10 meg free space.40 - 80 meg Hard disk is a 'nice' starting place. * A modem, preferably a 2400 baud or higher. * A dedicated phone line - ie. extra phone line for the BBS. * About 2 hours a day - to write messages, answer mail, verify new users, research & key in new files. What kind of 'results' can I expect from running a Bulletin Board? * Very slow.... This type of witnessing takes months, sometimes even years to lead someone to Christ. * Private communication can sometimes be the way to get through to folks that are shy. a personal greeting in private mail helps break the ice. * Expect people to argue with you - however, this does not mean they are CLOSED to the GOSPEL. * If people keep calling and reading your messages, rejoice that they ARE seeing the Gospel! Why SHOULD I run a Bulletin Board? * To win people to Christ. * To help inform and build up the Body of Christ. * To promote Evangelism of Roman Catholics & keep others from falling into the ecumenical movement. * To reach into those 'unreachable' homes via computer. Why SHOULDN'T I run a Bulletin Board? * It will take MUCH time & consistency - if your easily discouraged, or your church is not behind your ministry, or you think computers are 'neat' - don't waste your time. * If you are hesitant about standing alone, afraid to write messages or witness, and want some kind of ego-builder - don't waste God's time. * If you are unwilling to COMMIT the MONEY, TIME OR DAILY EFFORT of writing evangelistic messages, or hours of research & buying books - forget it. You can EXPECT to be building a solid Biblical research and apologetical library, it will cost you much money & time - those that don't have the resources are easy prey to the cults. * If you expect others to financially support your efforts, or somehow 'get rich' by providing a 'service' others will PAY to access - forget it. As long as we provide the SAME or BETTER service free of charge, money making schemes won't even get off the ground. * If you expect to continue to OWN your computer, and have it for your own personal use anytime you want it, this is not the ministry for you. You WILL see every kind of user try to crash your system, abuse your computer, slander your name, accuse you of mismanagement and in so many words call you stupid and complain about your software. * In effect, this type of ministry REQUIRES you to commit your computer to others - don't expect to be using it yourself to do the church 'bookkeeping' and running a BBS 'on the side'. The computer will be DEDICATED to others use - 24 hours a day. If you have a 'spare' computer, use the 'spare' for this kind of ministry. * Before anyone 'jumps' into this kind of ministry, take the time to 'count the cost'. We don't want Christian BBS's being put online just to see them disconnected 6 months later because somebody wasn't committed to the ministry. It's a poor testimony to the unsaved and the person who gets assigned your old phone number won't appreciate the 2am phone calls with a computer buzzing on the other end. Where to start? * Rather than just 'jump right in with both feet', we suggest that you begin calling into one of our systems, become familiar with how BBS's work, how to communicate with people via computers, to become comfortable with this type of ministry. We are adding more systems to our SON / Vatican Bank Network, here's some of the well established ones you can call, 24 hours a day: S.O.N. Milwaukee, WI - 4 phone lines, 300-9600 baud, 414-771-5391 Bill Bennett - SysOp * If you would like to talk with someone personally about how to get information from our Database, ie. printouts, references or referrals, you can contact Bill Bennett at 414-771-8968 VOICE. * If you have information, books, tracts, testimonies or articles you would like to be made avaliable for others to use in witnessing, or just general information you'd like to add to the Database, please call us! By putting your research, sermons, tracts & testimonies into this type of system, your hard work will reach many more people and will continue to reach them for years to come. We make a point of maintaining the author's credits at the end of each article, if they wish to do so. Bill Bennett This article originated on The Salvation Online Network