LIS:Material you can obtain from Gospel Outreach P.O. Box 7078, Philadelphia, PA. 19149 (215)831-1122 TESTIMONIAL TRACTS A Babylonian Priest. A former priest's own story of how he was saved from Romanism. (Gerard de Champlain) A Priest Asked His Bishop. Excerpts from a pamphlet by former priest Charles Chiniquy. Account of how he came to realize salvation comes through Jesus Christ rather than through Mary. (Charles Chiniquy) Ex-Nun Finds Peace with God. A former nun's own account of how she began to doubt the efficacy of Catholic doctrine, especially the Eucharist, and was led to a saving knowledge of Christ. (Wilma Sullivan) The Gift. The testimony of Father Chiniquy, formerly a priest in Quebec, who was entrusted with colonizing a party of French Canadians in Illinois. He also became a friend of Abe Lincoln. I Made Mary Cry. The testimony of a man's total devotion to Mary. An extremely devout man who came to know the truth of Christ. If only he could have heard her cry out to him, she would have said... (Furie Orlando) I Wanted to Serve God As A Priest. The inspiring testimony of how the Founder/Director of Gospel Outreach came to a personal knowledge of Christ. (Frank Eberhardt) If I Date A Roman Catholic. Testimonies of many who experienced the tragedies of dating and marrying unsaved mates. My Path Into Christ's Joy. A brief autobiographical account of former priest Charles Bolton and how he was saved. (C. Bolton) Our Road to the Saviour. The testimony of how the parents of the Founder/Director of Gospel Outreach, after more than 40 years in Roman Catholicism, came to know Christ. (Frances Eberhardt) The Priest Who Found Christ. The testimony of the life and salvation of former Roman Catholic priest Joseph Zacchello. (Joseph Zacchello) Sincere, But Sincerely Wrong. Some of the answers found by a former nun in her search concerning worshipping God in spirit and in truth as Jesus commanded in John 4:24. This Bishop Finds Christ Is the Real Answer. Recounts a man's encounters with God's mercy from youth through the priesthood. Finally after leaving the Catholic Church, he finds Christ upon nearing death. Who Is Our Advocate? (The Lord Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary). Correspondence between a converted Catholic and relatives to who she is trying to witness. Offers the plan of salvation and refutations of Catholic traditions in a simple manner. DOCTRINAL TRACTS A Bishop About the Pope. Excerpts from a speech delivered by Bishop Joseph George Strossmeyer at the 85th General Congre- gation of the Vatican Council, July 13, 1870, which dogmatized papal infallibility. Contains a revealing list of papal sins and errors which refute the idea of the Pope's infallibility. (Joseph G. Strossmeyer) An Honest Question for Every Roman Catholic. "Have you submitted to the authority of man or to the authority of God for salvation?" is the question. It contrasts the Catholic Church's teaching with scripture. Bishop Neumann. An excellent witnessing tool to keep in one's Bible. Covers 12 major doctrines of Rome and gives a list of verses for each to refute its teaching. The Charismatic Renewal Is Worth Looking Into. A comparison of 16 prevailing statements and beliefs of those involved in Charismatic Movement with the Word of God. How to Escape Purgatory. The doctrine of purgatory is said, by the Catholic Church, to be taught more by tradition than Bible. But this tract proves from the Bible the vanity of this teaching and presents the true plan of salvation. (Zacchello) Immaculate Conception of Mary. A discreditation of the doctrine of the holy and sinless conception of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Is Rome Really the Oldest Church? Answers set forth to refute the age-old claim of Rome that she is the oldest church because she antedates the writings of the New Testament Scriptures. The Mass. The power of celebrating Mass is the chief pretense of the Roman priesthood This tract is a refutating of it by a former priest from the scriptures. (Zacchello) The Mother of Jesus. A revealing parallel comparison between what the writings of the Roman Catholic Church teach concerning Mary and what God's Word says about her. Pope Joan: The Pope That Shook The World. The amazing account of how a woman was once the Pope and attempts of the Roman Church to cover the fact. She was discovered when she fell off her horse, during a solemn procession, and delivered a baby boy. (W. H. Dollinger) The Pope's Blessings. Intended to instruct by showing the irony of Papal blessings through the centuries and the disasters that often accompanied them. The Roman Catholic Bible Says. The complete, simple plan of salvation as quoted directly from the new Douay-Confraternity Catholic translation of the Bible. An excellent tool for witnessing to Catholics who will not accept a Protestant version. (Zacchello) Scriptures for Roman Catholics. A converted Franciscan Monk's response to the Mass, Purgatory, Confession, Peter's Confession, the Pope, Prayer to Mary and the Saints, from the infallible Scriptures. The Shroud of Turin. A tract that condenses the Scientific, Historic, and Physical evidence on the Shroud. When this evidence is examined in the light of Scripture, there are some amazing results. (Frank Eberhardt) Ten Answers to a Priest. Scriptural answers and refutations to ten arguments and doctrines taught by priests of the Roman Catholic Church. (Zacchello) Which Will You Believe? (The Holy Scriptures or Human Traditions. An examination of seven essential Catholic Doctrines in the light of God's Word. Who Is the Rock? An examination of Matthew 16:18-19 ("thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church") comparing the Catholic interpretation with biblical doctrine. (Zacchello) SALVATION TRACTS Am I Going to Heaven? A checklist of 18 ways people think they can get to heaven followed by biblical reasons refuting those assumptions and explaining the one true plan of salvation. Fifteen Reasons Why I Cannot Be A Jehovah's Witness. A list of unique doctrinal errors set forth by the Jehovah's Witnesses and scriptural reasons why true believers cannot unite with them. Ten Reasons Why I Drink, Do Drugs, Smoke, and Swear Cards. Gives "tongue-in-cheek" arguments for these vices on the front. The reverse side gives information about these sins and offers the plan of salvation as the way to stop them. What Would You Say? Written as a companion to the seminars on Catholicism taught by Frank Eberhardt. Use it as a brief guide to soulwinning or a Gospel tract to be worked in by the lost. Why Must One Be Born Again. The simple plan of salvation explaining the meaning and need to be born again. Also shows reasons for being saved, results of salvation, and the need for Bible study following one's salvation. BOOKLETS ABC's of Christian Growth. By Doug Lowery. Excellent personal study aid for believers young or old. Systemitized to follow five topics through the Bible by Alphabet. An aid to Christian growth, home Bible study, or discipleship. Paperback; 63 pages. Born-Again Catholics and the Mass. By William C. Standridge. This book is written for three types of persons: for professing Roman Catholics, for non-catholics, and all others who are interested in the use of the words "born again." Paper; 32 pages. Can We Cooperate with Catholics? By William C. Standridge. Many denominations are holding hands together in the name of Christ believing it unloving to do otherwise. For those who want reasons for remaining separate, you need to get a hold of this booklet. Paper; 13 pages. Catholic Doctrine in the Bible. Explanation of eight major doctrines of Catholicism as taught by Cannon Law of Rome, followed by a study of the Scripture on that doctrine. Useful for lending to a questioning Roman Catholic. Paper; 91 pages. Catholicism Against Itself. By O.C. Lamber. A book containing, in a Catholic writer's own words, the flaws of Rome. Also it offers a brief examination of such doctrines as Mental Reservation, Purgatory, and Papal Rule, a warning of the threat of Catholicism in America today, and an excellent history. Paper; 127 pages. Eternal Life - Fact or Fiction. A message of salvation directed to Roman Catholics with a section concerning the Whore of Revelation 17, her description, and outcome. Paper; 80 pages. I Chose Not to Be A Charimsatic. By Raymond Storms. He was raised and became a Charismatic preacher, but this book shows how he recognized its flaws and finally turned to fundamentalism. Paper; 44 pages. It Happened This Way. By Ray W. Johnson. The history of Rome's actual beginning three centuries after the True Church with its roots in ancient paganism. A strong argument for the truth of the Word and salvation in Christ. Paper; 23 pages. Marriage and Divorce. By Wm. J. Hopewell, Jr. With a scripturally sound position and a heart of concern for those facing the agonies of divorce, he deals with the areas of remarriage and church leadership through biblical patterns and principles. A must on the subject. Paper; 28 pages. What God Hath Joined Together. By Frank A. Eberhardt. This is an outlined Bible study dealing with the hard questions and objec- tions usually raised in favor of divorce. When God's view of marriage, divorce, and adultery are understood there remains no question. Paper; 6 pages. What's Happening in the Roman Church? By William Standridge. Many questions are proposed and answered in this booklet such as: Is the Roman church experiencing a new reformation; Are Catholic "Charismatics" active in Rome itself; Is the Roman Church really changing? etc. Paper; 32 pages. BOOKS Babylon Mystery Religion. By Ralph Woodrow. A book showing clearly the origins of many pagan practices found in Rome today as well among Chrsitian circles. It is a book that will enlighten you. Paperback; 177 pages. Douay-Rheims New Testament (Catholic Edition). When a Roman Catholic will not heed your version of the Bible, this version has the Imprimatur, the Pope's stamp of approval. Paperback; 306 pages. 50 Years in the "Church" of Rome. By Charles Chiniquy. Here is the beautiful account of a priest who could not remain Roman Catholic. You'll feel with him and find your own heart moved with a deeper urge to obey Christ. Paperback; 366 pages. The Priest, the Woman, the Confessional. By Charles Chiniquy. "Common decency forbids us to enter into details. Suffice it to say, if Catholic husbands were aware of one truth that is going on between the priest and there wives, they would rather see them dead than degraded to such a degree." This book will shock you with its honest expose. Paperback; 144 pages. Roman Catholicism. By Loraine Boettner. This classic work examines Catholicism from an easily understood Bible perspective, be- ginning from the first century through the Reformation Church ending before Vatican II--a comprehensive and piercing analysis. Hardcover; 466 pages. Secret History of the Jesuits. By Edmond Paris. The Vatican's involvement in world politics, intrigues, and the fomenting of wars throughout history is boldly and historically documented. All show it never was Christian but truly the Whore of Revelation 17. Paperback; 206 pages. Two Babylons. By Alexander Hislop. "A classic" unparalleled in its field. It contains historical documention of the birth and growth of the Roman Catholic Church. It con- tains an explanation of its symbols and un- folding of its doctrine. Hardcover; 330 pages. Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance The Vatican plays a vital part in history and world politics as well as Biblical prophecy. God reveals her true character in chapters 17 and 18 of the book of Revelation. This is book certain to motivate one to reach unsaved Catholics. Paper; 382 pages. Book List for Further Study. A listing of over 25 books and pamphlets found to be helpful in the study of Roman Catholicism. List includes books by Catholic authors. Some may be found in a good bookstore others are available from or through Gospel Outreach. TRAINING AIDS FOR CHRISTIANS Training Aid Packet. Prepares one to deal with unsaved Catholics. A special value when ordered this way. Each item can be ordered separately. (See order sheet) Verses List for Marking A Catholic N.T. Verses found in Roman Catholic Bibles which have not been distorted or eliminated, can be used to show the plan of salvation in their own Bible. Includes names of accurate Catholic translations for you and some further study material. Eight Miracles of the Gospel of John (Outline Form). By Frank Eberhardt. Usable as a home Bible study, these eight studies give you the freedom to add your own personal material with a strong salvation emphasis. POSTER The Wages of Hypocrisy. A 26" X 32" laminated colored poster giving an overview of Rome's corruptible beginnings and God's judgment upon her as seen in Revelation 17- 22. It is a Bible study in itself with beautifully illustrated pictures and a scripture verse for each depiction. VIDEOS From the Door to Salvation. An in depth seminar (5-1/2 hours in length) teaching Christians to understand how Roman Catholics think and enabling them to witness effectively. Also available in an audio cassette album. Dealing with the Doctrine. A seminar designed to accurately teach the Christian the major doctrines to which Roman Catholic people cling. Their traditional bases will be briefly examined and then a biblical approach is used to explain and correct the false teaching. Also available in an audio cassette album. CASSETTE TAPES Each individual preaching tape covers the topic listed in a detailed systematic biblical approach. For those of you who might have a Spanish friend, there are a number of tapes in English/Spanish language which resulted from Frank Eberhardt's trips to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. CASSETTE ALBUMS Studies from the Book of Hebrews (Messages on Catholicism). Each of the three is a four tape album. These messages: Security, Not Hope So Salvation, God's Authority? Scripture!! and The New Testament Priest and Jesus originated from a radio broadcast entitled "Keys of the Kingdom." The program was designed to reach unsaved Roman Catholics in a biblical, compassionate manner. We are a FAITH MISSION asking a minimum donation for all materials that we may continue to send forth the Word.