MILLIONS DISAPPEAR! FACT OR FICTION? The material you are about to read deals with a Biblical, worldwide event that will affect you and your future. Examine it carefully. Some of you will understand it completely while others may consider it science-fiction nonsense. However, Christians have looked forward to this event for almost two thousand years. It is now about to take place. "BUT OF THE TIMES AND THE SEASONS, BRETHREN, YE HAVE NO NEED THAT I WRITE UNTO YOU. FOR YOURSELVES KNOW PERFECTLY THAT THE DAY OF THE LORD SO COMETH AS A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. FOR WHEN THEY SHALL SAY, PEACE AND SAFETY; THEN SUDDEN DESTRUCTION COMETH UPON THEM, AS TRAVAIL UPON A WOMAN WITH CHILD; AND THEY SHALL NOT ESCAPE." (I Thessalonians 5:1-3) May God help you make the right decision--NOW. MILLIONS DISAPPEAR! FACT OR FICTION? It is morning; the sun's early rays are just beginning to touch the tops of the highest trees. Or perhaps it is daytime, with the sound of traffic and the rush of daily business. Or maybe it is evening, when you've put the children to bed and are ready for the news and a late snack. Suddenly, without warning, you hear an unbelievably loud sound that seems to come from everywhere at once. It is like thunder going off inside your head, or a trumpet blast in your ear. Perhaps it is a voice so incredibly loud that it drowns out everything; a waterfall of noise. In the next instant, a blinding flash goes off, like lightning hitting the next room, or the explosion of an atom bomb that would blind you if you looked at it. Then another rush of sound, like twenty freight trains passing by at once. The television newscaster is no longer broadcasting; maybe he's hiding under his table. You rush in to check the children. All that remains is a pile of clothes and a crimson pool of blood. Throughout the world, the mother looks for her children: they are gone, their bedsheets undisturbed. The businessman opens his office door; his secretary has disappeared, leaving behind a pair of glasses. People have disappeared from their automobiles, sending cars careening off the roads. Hospital beds are empty, job sites unattended, and houses vacant. Millions of individuals around the world have just suddenly vanished, with no warning, and no explanation. Government officials, teachers, children, doctors, farmers, factory workers, bums, clergymen, people with no obvious connection have all apparently been disintegrated at the same time. Was it a military attack? Was it UFO's? Was it spontaneous combustion? Was it a new disease? What was happened? What you have just read sounds like the work of a writer's imagination; the beginning of a science fiction novel or a comic book. In actuality, this is a description of a real event that will take place in the near future. The source of this information is the Holy Bible (AUTHORIZED KING JAMES VERSION), which is still the most remarkable Book ever written.