MARK OF THE BEAST by Peter S. Ruckman PREFACE One of the many words to fall prey to the tyranny of words in the 20th century is the word "prejudice." This word, as the words "discrimination," "segregation," "democrat," "imperialism," "Christian," "Southern Baptist," "integration," and "religion," has come to mean something in the mind of the public that it obviously never meant in Webster's dictionary or in 10 centuries of writing. Unfortunately for mankind in general, words have come to mean what NEWSPAPER PRESS RELEASES intend them to mean. This is due largely to the tremendous advancement of public communications media in the last 100 years. With this advancement has grown the increasing PERVERSION IN THE MEANING OF WORDS. Capitalizing on depraved man's innate curiosity to either "hear or tell something new" (see Acts 17:19-27), the UPI and AP with Pravda, Tass, and Goebbels' set-up have developed an entirely NEW vocabulary for the common man to adopt. In this vocabulary, words no longer mean what they say. To those readers familiar with church history, this manipulation is far from being a NEW thing among men. However, since the vast majority of people know nothing about church history except the second-hand information passed on to them by their own religious constituency, it is hardly probable that anyone would recognize the true mother of this type of perversion. A few samples may suffice. "Imperialism" or "Colonialism" is applied to any country that aggressively explored, settled, or dominated another country in preceding centuries. By such a standard, of course, a "colonist" or "imperialist" should be run out of the country that he is now in, and repatriated to his original fatherland. However, the word in usage will never allow this interpretation, for to apply what is inherent in the words would send the Russians back to Asia Minor, the Americans back to England, Ireland, Scotland, and Germany, and the Negroes back to Africa. The words, then, are only used by a country that has been UNSUCCESSFUL in exploring, settling, and dominating another country, and it is only APPLIED to countries who have succeeded in doing so. Thus the word is MISUSED even when it is defined correctly. Another word is "Southern Baptist," which originally meant "Southern Baptist." Unfortunately, the word no longer bears any resemblance to its construction. The official view of the Southern Baptist Convention defines the word as meaning, not SOUTHERN BAPTIST, but a monetary contributor to a financial program sponsored by Southern Baptists! Notice: "What is a Southern Baptist? The term Southern Baptist does not necessarily bear doctrinal significance. What then is a Southern Baptist? He is one who cooperates with the program that is adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention, even though he does not always agree with the program the convention endorses." This remarkable and ridiculous definition is that of C.E. Matthews, Dallas, Texas, considered by all officials to be one of the OUTSTANDING leaders among "Southern Baptists." But what on earth has the man actually said? Notice, in the definition, neither the word "Southern," nor the word "Baptist" is discussed, outlined, defined, analyzed, noted, commented on, or even mentioned. The definition is totally separated from any connection with the word the man is attempting to define. In short, private interpretation has extended to the place in Matthews' thinking where he thinks that an INVENTED DEFINITION which is unrelated to the words he is using is a Southern Baptist TRUTH. There is no fear of his following. 80% of all leaders in the Convention will swear on their mothers' graves that Matthews has given a good definition. In actuality, he has not even hypothesized a PROBABLE definition. The definition is not even remotely connected to the words he is talking about; it is only a statement Matthews has given to MAKE PEOPLE HAND OVER MONEY TO AN ORGANIZATION! Goebbels never did any better. To elaborate further, if the term "Southern Baptist" has no doctrinal significance and is determined only by the financial support given to an organization, then what is the difference between a Southern Baptist who "supports the program," and a Northern Communist who supports it? Are they not BOTH "Southern Baptist" if a Southern Baptist is "ONE WHO COOPERATES WITH THE PROGRAM THAT IS ADOPTED BY THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION, EVEN THOUGH HE DOES NOT ALWAYS AGREE WITH THE PROGRAM THE CONVENTION ENDORSES"? At this present writing, the committees that ricochetted off the Elliot book on Genesis are wrestling with this problem. The problem is how to define a SOUTHERN BAPTIST on a Christian or Bible basis and still maintain a United-Fund or Care-package basis. It has hardly occurred to anyone that the easiest realm in which to get away with this "etymological-murder" is the RELIGIOUS REALM. Nowhere is it so easy to pull something over, or put something across, than here, for it is the least expected place for the transaction to take place. Again, those familiar with church history are at a tremendous point of vantage, for they have observed the origination, rise, development, fall, and revival of a "Church" that has been dedicated for over 1500 years to the CHANGING OF WORDS AND DEFINITIONS TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF HER OWN POLITICAL ORGANIZATION. The outer political world has finally become aware of this successful and effective way of putting over a lie. They have utilized it to the fullest in the publication of news periodicals. Who ever heard of the AP putting out a release like this: "Bible-believing Christians in Mississippi strongly resisted efforts by the Kennedy regime to mix the races in their universities since they are contrary to the ethics of social respectability and conduct," when they could put out a release like THIS: "Racial bigots in 'Ole Mississippi defied law-and-order under a Supreme court ruling as they sought to maintain white supremacy." You see, it just depends on what you are trying to get across, and who is stupid enough to believe it. As a very gullible commentator said, "An informed people is an enlightened people." This is not in the least so. It is most certainly NOT true that "an informed people is an enlightened people." It is only true that an "informed people" have information about something which someone gave them who wishes them to have that information. The thing is actually a rat race if it is analyzed. Bible-rejecting "Christendom" (with dictator-breeding Catholicism and atheistic-teaching Communism) has conspired with the AP and UPI to agree that all truth is RELATIVE; there is no ABSOLUTE truth except the subjective political ideologies of each group, which it has taught itself; and that to "inform" someone is to give them the facts YOU WANT THEM TO HAVE. An informed people is NEVER an enlightened people unless they have impartial accounts of BOTH SIDES regarding all facts given. Enlightenment cannot be debased to mean partial knowledge gained from censored material. For example, no man, even if he spent a lifetime studying the material printed in LIFE, TIME, NEWSWEEK, and the AP teletype in 100 radio stations, would ever be enlightened on ANYTHING that ran contrary to the subjective religions and news bias of these sources. The antics of the Kennedy regime and the Supreme court in the last ten years is proof enough that these sources cause one to be GROSSLY MISINFORMED on the practical outcome of certain decisions and the actual "working-out" of solutions to problems. This gross misinformation always bears characteristic marks which are strikingly CONSISTENT in any generation; it is not hard to spot its birth, family tree, kinfolk, connections, affiliations, friends, and descendants. The AP and UPI may be lumped right into this stock with a great assortment of animals that bear little resemblance to them on first glance. A closer look at the menagerie will reveal that all assume certain basic, fundamental propositions to be correct that the Bible has already CLEAR pronounced INCORRECT. (Interpretation is not a case in point as the passages are so CLEAR that the only requisite for understanding them is the ability to read, which I suppose our AP and UPI writers profess to have!) These mangled and perverted propositions may be stated as follows: 1. Peace and unity are the highest ideals. 2. Science is the final authority in doubtful matters. 3. People are abnormal who do not conform to the world system. 4. It is all right to criticize the Bible, but it is WRONG TO CRITICIZE SOMEONE'S RELIGION OR CHURCH. 5. It is wrong to publish sermons by Bible-believing Fundamentalists. 6. Capital punishment is unjust. 7. The Supreme Court is MORALLY right, no matter what it decides. 8. All men are created equal. 9. The greatest threat to man is Communism. 10. A feeling of guilt is really only a MENTAL problem. 11. Some Catholics are not ROMAN; they are AMERICAN. 12. Man receives punishment in this life for his errors. 13. The Pope cannot be a rascal under ANY circumstance. On this tottery basis, the press (with the entire retinue of magazines, tracts, newspapers, bulletins, dailies, weeklies, and journals) has automatically rejected ANY EVIDENCE, CONCRETE OR CIRCUMSTANTIAL, THAT WOULD IMPLY THE PROPOSITIONS WERE INCORRECT. They are assumed to be absolute, final, authoritative social laws, established by God Himself. Notwithstanding six millenniums of brutal and bloody evidence contrary to the propositions, they are accepted as "gospel truth" by the writers. One may say that they constitute the theological creed of the Associated Press and its allies in their battle to unite Bible-rejecting "Christendom" and Christ-rejecting Paganism under a one-world system "for the betterment of man." A brief examination of the list will reveal immediately that the creed of the Press could pass for the creed of nearly any Christ-rejecting, Bible-denying, pagan, Greek philosopher. Individual writers and commentators do not change the overall tone of the creed or render it ineffectual. The radicals and colorful commentators are only allowed the liberty of complaining about details; none are allowed the liberty of exposing the attempts of the press itself to MAINTAIN these false ideals. While professing to avoid religious controversy and partiality in religious matters, the secular press has at last taken a religious stand so vivid and clear that only by muzzling the exposes of its own employees is it able to prevent detection. The information which it gives out is no longer OBJECTIVE information. Every article, from the midnight dateline till the last one at 11:59, shows clearly a RELIGIOUS ATTITUDE and an ANTI-BIBLICAL POLICY toward the issues and news events of the day. This attitude and policy may be summed up as follows, without the least fear of its being in error: 1. The greatest danger is Communism. 2. The greatest enemy of Communism is Christianity. 3. The greatest leader of Christianity is Roman Catholicism. 4. The leader of Roman Catholicism is the Pope. 5. Therefore, the Pope and his following are to be given every benefit of a doubt in the press, and under no condition are ever to be attacked, exposed, ridiculed, or diagnosed. THEY ARE IMMUNE TO OBJECTIVE CRITICISM OR RESEARCH. 6. With this immunity comes santuary for any IDEA or BELIEF that Roman Catholicism adopts. 7. Thus no newspaper or magazine with national or large metropolitan circulation can safely take any side in any issue but the side taken by the Catholic Church. At no time must EVIDENCE EVEN BE PRODUCED FOR THE OTHER SIDE, as it has been the policy of Catholics since 1546 to forbid their adherents to even ENTER A BUILDING WHERE EVIDENCE FOR THE OTHER SIDE IS BEING PRESENTED. 8. With this blinding of objective light and binding of free information, the following propositions must not only be tolerated by the press writers, BUT ACTIVELY SUPPORTED AND PROMOTED: a. Integration. b. Government support of parochial schools. c. Destruction of the King James AV 1611, Bible. d. Promotion of moderate drinking and dancing. e. Return to the Roman church by all Protestant churches. f. Government aid to Roman Catholic countries. g. ABSOLUTE SILENCE ABOUT PERSECUTIONS OF PROTESTANTS IN COLUMBIA, SPAIN, ITALY, AND VENEZUELA. In this fashion the UPI and AP have erected a superstructure of anti-Biblical thinking along religious lines which is so universal that to defy it would be to commit an act of treason. Bill Mauldin (UP FRONT) has written that the best rule for the newspaper cartoonist to follow is, "if it's big, hit it!" However, Bill cannot obey his dictum. In 10 years of political cartooning and Pulitzer Prize winning, Bill has HIT ONLY THE THINGS THAT ANYONE HITS. The "big baby," he never struck a blow at--and never will or it will cost him his job. Thoroughly indoctrinated with the standard AP and UPI use of words and their meanings, Bill Mauldin has swallowed a far smoother propaganda line than Axis Sally put to the G.I.'s in the ETO. He has swallowed the vocabulary and dictionary of a Press (and Age) gone INSANE on the proper meaning of words. Who ever heard of a newspaper writer, cartoonist, editor, or columnist taking a slam at the ROMAN CATHOLIC VATICAN STATE? Is it not "pretty big"? This brings us to the point of the preface (if prefaces are supposed to point to anything at all), and the point is, LOOK OUT FOR ANY MAN WHO THINKS AN "ANTI-CATHOLIC VIEW" IS A PREJUDICE. The hook is in the last word. "Prejudice" means (by its own inherent construction) "drawing a pre-judicial opinion on a thing"; that is, "judicially making up your mind about a thing BEFORE examining the evidence in relation to the thing." If a man EXAMINES the evidence, and then draws judgment, the man himself must be eliminated (by slander, arrest, insinuation, scandal, or firing) if this final judgment is CONTRARY to the group or person holding the opinion. Hence, it is very dangerous for Northerners to talk about Southerners having a "racial prejudice," when the word "PREJUDICE" INDICATES IMMEDIATELY THAT THE NORTHERNER HAS NOT INVESTIGATED THE EVIDENCE AND IS IN NO POSITION TO DO SO. The word PREJUDICE does NOT describe someone who holds an opinion contrary to LIFE and TIME magazines. The word PREJUDICE does not describe someone who thinks a religion is a farce. No matter how many thousands of times the AP, UPI and Gannette may apply the word to someone who does not AGREE with the press's interpretation of history and mankind, the glaring fact remains that the word MEANS WHAT IT MEANS, AND NOT WHAT THE PRESS PRESENTS IT AS MEANING. "Pre" means "before." (It has always meant this and will mean this as long as you can apply arithmetic or geometry to problems involving measurements.) "Pre" (as pro) means BEFORE. A man who is PRE-JUDICED, has BEFOREHAND made a "judicial" (judgment) decision on a matter without examining fully the evidence necessary to reach the decision. This is what the word means. It has never meant anything else. If Pope Johnny Paul sat "ex-cathedra" and swore by the blood of "Holy" Mary that it meant "someone who criticized his church," HE WOULD STILL BE LYING. Yet in spite of this obvious orthographical truth, the press continues to use the words "religious prejudice" and "racial prejudice" as applicable to anyone who speaks critically of ANY RACE OR RELIGION. And so the word is accepted today by Americans to mean "anyone who speaks against anyone's race or religion is prejudiced!" (Exactly where this puts Jesus Christ--Matthew 23--is rather difficult to say.) These prefatory remarks are entirely necessary, as somewhere down the track, this enlightening digest of the "Mark of the Beast" is bound to run into the people it is aimed at; and when it does, the only alibi or defense that can be given will be, "OH, HE'S JUST PREJUDICED." Now before this happens, will the reader please give careful attention to the common, plain-English meaning of words? "Prejudice" is a judgment drawn beforehand, without adequate consideration of the facts involved. Only a man, church, group, religion, school, institution, or faction that has REFUSED TO EXAMINE THE EVIDENCE CAN BE SAID TO BE "PREJUDICED" IN THEIR OPINION. No matter what may be said for either side in a matter, or against either side in a matter, the only man in the fracas that is PREJUDICED, IS THE MAN WHO WILL NOT EXAMINE BOTH SIDES. Thus when General Walker disapproves of race-mixing efforts in Mississippi, it does not FOLLOW that he is "prejudiced" or "sick." This only follows IF HE HAS NOT HAD TIME AND OPPORTUNITY TO CAREFULLY CONSIDER THE FACTS INVOLVED ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ISSUE. Since General Walker was in a position to examine these facts, it becomes necessary to ELIMINATE HIM 9by slander, arrest, insinuation, etc.) in order to maintain the status quo of the prejudiced opinion held by someone who DID NOT EXAMINE the facts. To press things further, an opinion by Walter Montano, or Anthony Zachello, or Paul Blanchard, or John Carrera about the ACTUAL PRACTICAL OPERATIONS OF THE VATICAN STATE would not be a "prejudiced" opinion, even if the sum total of opinions stated was that the Roman Church was a hoax. This would be a "disagreeable" opinion, or a "hateful" opinion, or an "unkind" opinion, or a "personal" opinion, but a PREJUDICED OPINION IT IS NOT. NOT ONE OF THEM DREW JUDGMENT ON ANYTHING WITHOUT THOROUGHLY EXAMINING THE FACTS ON BOTH SIDES. An opinion by Billy Mitchell, Eddie Rickenbacker, and John Glenn on the advantages and disadvantages of aerial reconnaissance is not a "prejudiced" opinion. They may disagree among themselves, and they may offend others who disagree with them, but "PREJUDICED" is not the adjective to describe their opinions. They know what they are talking about even where they disagree due to subjective differences innate in individual human nature. Everywhere, in analyzing "prejudices," the SOURCE OF AUTHORITY must be taken into account. Where an authority (any authority under any power) has not considered thoroughly the OPPOSITE VIEW POINT, there is no grounds for anything but a PREJUDICED, BIASED opinion. Thus the greatest religious bigots (and prejudiced heathen) that ever lived are the people that consider attacks on their religion "prejudices." Having never considered ANY OTHER SIDE, and having been FORBIDDEN to examine the other side, and having their books censored so they WOULD NOT CONSIDER the other side, we have in America today the greatest religious monstrosity that ever perverted the meaning of words. This book is obviously an "expose" of that religious organization which Satan has, and will adopt for his own "Christianity." The book is not written from the standpoint of a "Southern Baptist" who is ignorant of the facts involved. The writer has had ample time in 41 years (20 in the North and 21 in the South) to study all the publications of the Knights of Columbus, to read thoroughly a score of Catholic newspapers, to deal with Catholics in their homes, face-to-face, and also to deal knee-to-knee with a half-a- dozen priests for periods of more than two hours. No statement in this printing was made without having first read the Bible through 57 times from cover to cover, and checking all New Testament passages in the Greek, and comparing them with the official Douay-Reims Catholic Version (NIHIL OBSTAT) used by the priests themselves. The Catholic Missal has been studied from cover to cover, 40 Catholic tracts have been taken from the tract-racks at St. Michaels, St. Stevens, St. Francis, and the Church of the Little Flower (Mobile, Ala., and Pensacola, Fla.), and, of course, the standard works of church history, including Catholic historians, have all been consulted. The deductions therefrom may be distasteful, objectionable, un-Christian, fanatical, irreligious, sacreligious, or non-Catholic. But! The writer claims immunity from such words as "bigot," "prejudice," or "bias" on the grounds that not a single sentence in this writing (that goes against the grain of Catholicism) was written without ample, concise, detailed, thorough, and faithful reference to the Bible facts involved on ALL SIDES OF THE QUESTION. In answer to critics who may be tempted to say, "Well, no one can really KNOW about Catholicism until he has BEEN A CATHOLIC 20-50 years, etc.," let it be answered emphatically that no man has to be a chronic alcoholic five years to know that it will damage his body; no man has to be in ten car wrecks to know that he had better drive carefully; no man has to examine microscopically every hair on a skunk to know he is dealing with a skunk; no man has to know Hebrew or Greek to smell the stench of a translation that low rates Jesus Christ; and no combat infantryman ever had to know the number of grains in a tracer-bullet fired at him to know it did not have his best interests at heart. A happy medium is needed between knowing enough about both sides to know "whereof ye speak," and devoting a lifetime of useless research into something that has already proved corrupt a thousand times. Where Rome cannot convince a common-sense, honest researcher that she is "holy," she can always reverse the field and claim that the researcher is biased because he has not spent 50 years in the college of cardinals studying the good points, for Rome has held as a doctrinal truth, from the beginning, that SHE IS INFALLIBLE, EVEN WHEN DECREEING DOCTRINES CONTRARY TO SCRIPTURE OR COMMON SENSE. Rome's profession disqualifies her from being impartial on anything, and the AP, UPI and Gannett's affiliation with her is rapidly disqualifying them from becoming reliable sources of information. No Press that plays favorite to a group that has already publicly STATED THEIR PERVERSENESS should be taken seriously on any important issue. An AP "news flash" on DeGaulle and the common market, that overlooks the fact that England has the only PROTESTANT leader OUTSIDE THE MARKET, is about as important and "newsy" as a bulletin on projected hoe-handle production in North Dakota for 1978. No political issue in the world today that is related directly or indirectly to the end-time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation can be accurately analyzed unless due attention is given to these portions of scripture. Any analysis neglecting to examine this data is a PARTIAL, BIASED, AND PREJUDICED VIEWPOINT; it cannot possibly claim to have examined both sides when the Vatican is the issue, stuck right between the sidelines. The common-sense maxim, that operates independently from news-commentators and prejudiced wire-services, is that no man's (or church's) opinion on a subject is worth the powder and shot it would take to blow it to hell if that man has not examined evidence CONTRARY AND FAVORABLE to the subject. The value of the opinion then rests on the amount of time spent on the pro and con, and the amount of facts summoned before drawing the conclusion. By this standard, the AP, UPI, and Gannett, with LIFE, TIME, the JOURNAL, the NEW YORKER, READER'S DIGEST, and the Hearst Syndicate, are entirely UNQUALIFIED to comment intelligently on the news where it gets involved politically with the Roman Catholic Dictatorship. None spent ANY time on material CONTRARY TO THE ROMAN set-up, and none would DARE PRINT IT IF THEY FOUND IT! Following this common-sense maxim--thorough examination of the evidence, pro and con, with assembled facts--no man who ever lived in close with blacks over a period of time would ever be able to draw a prejudiced conclusion in regard to "the results of living close with blacks"; no man who denied what a Baptist bleieves and what a Southerner believes could ever be called a "Southern Baptist"; no church that forced its communicants to join it BEFORE THEY WERE BORN could possibly be denominated "The Church that Jesus founded"; and certainly no man who refused to examine the evidence found in this book could intelligently make any valid contribution to the subject--the MARK OF THE BEAST. The writer professes no personal, inspired revelation, no absolute knowledge, no infallible authority, and no wisdom to concoct a doctrine or theory which supersedes others. He modestly claims to have examined the facts relative to the subject in the light of the word of God, and has listed the findings as follows. If these findings are non-Catholic, so are grape juice and the Reformation. Rev. Peter S. Ruckman, M.A., Ph.D. Pensacola, Fla., Feb. 4, 1962