PAS:Declaration Concerning Personal Separation Mid-America Baptist Fellowship 10/89 It is obvious that the moral decadence of society is having an impact upon fundamentalism and that there is a general erosion of Christian character. We are aware of the voices that say our churches and institutions must adjust to this changing day if we are to survive. To the contrary, fundamentalism is not in the surviving business; it is in the crusading business! Our response should not be one of accommodation and compromise, but of courage and conviction. The following five issues are a sample of personal separation held through the years by fundamental Baptist. We, the undersigned, declare that we are only interested in supporting those publishing houses, colleges, mission boards, and the institutions that aggressively and unashamedly stand on these Biblical principles. Dress Dr. Ralph Martin because the Word of God establishes principles of modesty, distinctiveness of dress between men and women, identification with Christ in opposition to the world and the principle of consistency in standards of dress in both public and home life. Therefore we stand opposed to nakedness, the wearing of clothing that is inappropiate in style, revealing by immodest vfit, androgynous in design (confusin the male and female roles). We, as men of God, by preaching, teaching, and example, desire to uphold the standards of modesty, purity, and holiness for both godly men and women; not excusing near-nakedness by reason of weather conditions, recreation, or fashion (this includes mixed swimming). Dating Pastor Wayne Van Geldren, Jr. Understanding that marriage is a holy, permanent union crweated bny God (Mark 10:6-9), that all intimate emotion and physical relationships between a man and a woman outside of marriage are improper and immoral (Mt. 5:27-28, Pro. 5:15-23, 1 Cor. 6:18-7:2), and that children should honor the leadership of their parents until marriage (Ex. 20:12, Gen. 2:24), the following daiting principles should be taught and practiced: 1. Children should submit themselves to parental leadership in the choosing of a mate. 2. Dating should be for the purpose of finding God's will in marriage, instead of mainly meeting immediate social and emotional needs. 3. Pre-marriage relationships such as "going steady" and pre-engagement should be considered dangerous and be discouraged. 4. All intimate physical contact should be reserved for marriage and not allowed in dating or engagement. TV/Movies/VCR Dr. Collins Glen Regarding the phenomena of the present day Hollywood movie-television-video industry, the church of Jesus Christ must speak out loudly against its philosophies and standards of morality. 1. It steals time that should be redeemed for God. (Eph. 5:16) 2. It dethrones the holiness of God and glorifies man. 3. It preaches and anti-family philosophy. 4. It ridicules and attacks by message and example the Biblical principles of purity and godliness. Our nation's mentality is being inundated with humanistic philosophies and ideals. There is a consequent, corroding effect upon the Christian mind and lifestyle that God-fearing people must encounter aggressively to counteract. Silence against anti-christian philosophies and lifestyles, principles, and doctrine is unacceptable. Nothing would aid the cause of Satan more than for fundamental, Bible-believing Christians to remain neutral on this issue. Christians are urged to be discerning in their choice of television and video entertainment by observing the words of Psalm 101:3, "I will set now wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that run aside; it shall not cleave to me." Social Drinking Pastor Mark Simmons We believe that the Bible teaches total abstention with regard to alcoholic beverages. We also believe there needs to be a return to the old-time preaching against all "social" drinking and promoting in ever environment within our means the practice of total abstinence. Music / Dancing Pastor Mike Harding We believe that contemporary Christian music consists of music that weds Christina lyrics to popular worldly styles such as rock, pop, country, jazz, new wave, etc. These styles constitute sensual worship that has patterned itself after the world's worship of its own twentieth century idols. We believe these forms of music have weakened the church and add to the moral doctrinal disintegration so evident already. Since music is inherently moral, we believe God's view of music revealed in Scripture must be the attitude of sacred musicians and true worshipers in an age of increasing apostasy. Church music will not improve itself without guidance and strong Biblical preaching on the subject. In like manner, we also reject all forms of liturgical and modern dance. We commit ourselves to such a course. Signed______________________________________________________