EXP:Strictly personal The Eccentrics, Off Balance We have among us today (as we have always had) a group of Bible rejecting fanatics who use a Book they do not believe, in order to make a living. Sometimes these eccentrics are not even in the ministry: they are simply on the sidelines using the Book to get attention. Their ministry is twofold: first, to get you to doubt the authority of the Hoty Bible in your life; and second, to reduce you to their level of ignorance about the Holy Bible. Nearly all of these radical nuts are scholars or at least fancy themselves to be scholars. Their "modus operandi" is always the same. They have been around since Origen (200 A.D.), and they will not die out after the Rapture. Their "ministry" since 1700 has been to rid the world of ONE BOOK, and that one Book is NOT the "original autographs" or the "plenary, verbally inspired" gazum-goozums (one of our Florida fishes). You don't have to guess which Book they are trying to replace or nullify. It is the one that built Great Britain and the United States. The motive behind this "ministry" is found in Genesis 3. It is the desire to pose as a "god" who "knows good and evil" while questioning what God SAID. We call these eccentrics "The Scholar's Union" or the "Yea, Hath God Said?" Society. They are securely entrenched in every major Conservative and Fundamental school on the North American continent, and their eccentric forbearers have passed down to them the same standard legacy that was delivered to themselves. They produce Bible rejecting critics. Nearly all of the modern ones are Fundamentalists who profess to believe in the "fundamentals" of the Roman Catholic Church as stated in the Nicene Creed of 325 A.D. Controlling the universities, seminaries, and colleges, these radical left-wing egotists (all of them consider themselves smart enough to correct the Holy Bible at will) have blanketed America with young men who now stand in pulpits and STARVE congregations. Documentation comes to us from every state in the Union. "There is a famine in the land," and we know who produced it--a bunch of proud, ambitious, stupid young men who wanted to make a name for themselves at the expense of the Book. The worst thing about this matter is, these screwballs have given the public the impression that BELIEF is fanaticism and FAITH is "heresy." They do this because they have lost their own faith, and believe in nothing but themselves. What they desire to do is reduce you to their condition by pretending that you are a fanatic and that you are "eccentric." They do this by appealing to "majority rule"--the rule of the Nicolaitans over the Body of Christ. When we pin these nuts down (and we have pinned them down many a time) their defense is always the same. THEY APPEAL TO THE SINS OF OTHER MEN TO JUSTIFY THEIR OWN SINS. The operation is standard. Their thinking is, if they can just find one or two places where a real Bible believer denied his heritage and corrected THE Book in order to "prove a point," then that sin of egotism and pride (and stupidity) is automatically established as a rule of faith for the believer to FOLLOW. This is why whenever someone like Bob Jones Sr. messed up by suggesting a word in the Amplified might be "best," or someone like Norris (in a debate with a Campbellite) fixed up Acts 2 to prove his own position, or someone like Spurgeon trying to impress someone with his scholarship (he was never a scholar or even CLOSE to being one), the eccentrics go after it like a dog after a beef bone; it is their hope. It is actually the only hope they have in this life, so it is more precious to them than God, salvation, heaven, or the Book. You ask why? Simple: it is the means whereby they can JUSTIFY THEIR OWN SINS. Self-justification (Adam and the "leaf," remember?) is the first thing you need after questioning what God SAID (Gen. 3). This is why we say truly and correctly that modern, apostate Fundamentalists are not merely in a Cult, they are eccentric screwballs who have done something so wild and so stupid that no Christian with common sense would give them any audience at all if he analyzed their motives and methods. The modern apostate is really a herald for the Adamic nature in the believer. He is champion and torch bearer for DEPRAVITY. Depravity demands self-justification, so the occasional "slips" of real Bible believing soul winners is THE ALIBI that is seized upon to justify the depravity. This is one reason why I have never allowed myself an occasional "slip" when dealing with the Authorized Holy Bible. They will not get an alibi from me. They will have to get it from someone else. This also explains why these modern, eccentric screwballs are always hung up on "Ruckmanites" and "Ruckmanism." I AM A BLOCK TO THEIR LIFE- STYLES. Once in a while they can find a way to slip through by quoting some other soul winning pastor or evangelist, but when they run into me, they are at a dead end. I, too, am a soul winner. I have always been one. Grown men and women get saved under my preaching constantly and have for forty-one years. Those who think that I am the "eccentric" are just blocking the facts out of their minds. I have four hundred sermons, and only four of them are on the King James Bible. I have written five gospel tracts, and none of them are about the King James Bible. The last tract I put together (Millions Disappear, Fact or Fiction?) has received more than four hundred signed receipts from sinners who have received the Lord Jesus because of it. There have passed across my desk more than a hundred letters from Christians who thanked God that I had restored their faith in the Book that built England and America. And I am the "eccentric," am I? Someone is short circuited; they have a loose wire, and it is not me. I have a man in my church who is an expert on foreign translations for the mission field and has worked with Bible believers in ten foreign countries for over a decade. Ruckman is unbalanced, is he? I have preached from Luther's German Bible TWICE, once in Austria and once in Germany. I am the "eccentric," am I? Do you know what is wrong with these idiots who keep worrying about "foreign translations" and "who had an inerrant Bible before 1611"? I'll tell you what is wrong with them. They are not getting the job done. They are loafing. They are not bearing fruit for Jesus Christ. They are not making the jail calls, they are not making the hospital calls, they are not preaching on the street, they are not encouraging Bible believers, THEY ARE ON THE SHELF. That is why they holler so loud. God will not pay any attention to them. Some of my brethren fancy that all I do is sit around and call people names. That is because some of my brethren are "OFF THEIR ROCKERS." The last jail call I made was two weeks ago, the last house-to-house visit I made was yesterday, the last hospital call was a week ago, and I am hitting 69. Tell me all about it, you "well balanced" folk. Through television I am preaching directly to 20,000 families weekly in ONE area of the South, with thirty-two other areas being hit at the same time. Do you know what people like Hudson, Hymers, McHugh, Hindson, Hobson, Horton, Hobbs, and Huckleberry Hound are doing? They are either making a good living by using a Book they don't believe, or they are trying to get attention by attacking it. They are as unbalanced as a busted yo-yo. Down in Pensacola we are marrying the young, burying the dead, visiting the sick, knocking on doors, preaching on the street, teaching the Book, training missionaries, evangelists, and pastors, and putting out the gospel to the ends of the earth via tracts, cassettes, videos, books, tapes, and booklets. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? "Balance" is what is needed. As Bob Jones Sr. said, "Cool head, warm heart." The Alexandrian Cult has always had a cold heart and a dead head. While sinners go to hell right and left all around them, they are worried about "Easter" being "Passover" and "ye" being "he" and something else "SHOULD {note the moral imperative} have been" whatever the eccentric nut thinks it SHOULD have been. Belief in the Book produces a concern for the lost, a burden for propagating the truth, changed lives, the salvation of sinners, revival among the saints, clean living, separation from the world, and a zeal for the directive will of God. Unbelief in the Book (Hymers, Hutson, Hudson, Hobbs, Hindson, Hobson, Hort, et al.) produces pride in man's intellect, self-sufficiency, a desire to strut knowledge, ignorance of the content of the Book, backsliding, worldly approval, and A PERFECT BLANK AS A SOUL WINNER. Many of the former soul winners and former evangelistic pastors are now living on their reputations from five to forty years ago. THEY ARE NOT IN THE WORK. Curtis Hutson could not produce FOUR letters from any child of God who had been talked out of his belief in the King James Bible and had it restored by The Sword of the Lord; neither could John R. Rice. THE SCHOLAR'S UNION DOES NOT PRODUCE BIBLE BELIEVERS. To "qualify" for the Scholar's Union only ONE requirement is essential: you must attack the words of God as found in the Authorized Version of the Holy Bible. This is the absolute, prime, essential requirement without which no man can join the Union. He must demonstrate THAT HE IS SUPERIOR TO THE GREATEST BOOK THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN 0R EVER WILL SEE. Once that is done he can be accepted as a "godly scholar" and an "intellectual." Thus all candidates for depravity know who they are and who their friends are. They know what to do to "qualify" (Gen. 3:1), and they would rather qualify than win souls, bless the saints, edify the babes in Christ, get rewards at the Judgment Seat, or even get to New Jerusalem itself: Their god is their belly. They worship themselves. Thus the supreme object for these unbalanced eccentrics is TO JUSTIFY THEIR OWN SINS. You cannot imagine a more pitiful or miserable "ministry." While the "heathen rage," the Lord goes right on giving me souls, and more young men and women to teach. I cannot take the invitations that come in for Bible conferences and have had to limit myself to two a month; there are enough for four a month--twelve months a year. When I go, I preach a Book I BELIEVE. So do Carl Lackey, Maze Jackson, Sammy Allen, Tim Lee, Tim Greene, Don Edwards, Harold Leake, Victor Sears, Roland Rasmussen, Scotty Drake, Jack Hyles, Hugh Pyle, Gerald Sutek, Claude Bonam, Wally Beebe, Corliss Thorne, Don Green, Harley Keck, Mel Sabaka, Jim White, Richard Kipp, Rick Sowell, Bobby Ware, Rick DeMichele, Ken Blue, John Mitchell, Greg Rhinehar, Rodger Randall, Mike Roberts, George Grace, Billy Kelly, Danny Castle, Buddy Cargill, Herbert Noe, AND ANYONE ELSE WITH A GRAlN OF SENSE, WHO IS NOT AN UNBALANCED, EGOCENTRIC NUT.