Inspiration Read Proverbs 1:20-33 Wisdom Is Not An Afterthought. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. Galatians 6:7 When a backslidden Christian repents, God graciously forgives and fellowship is restored. But this fact does not suspend the principle of sowing and reaping. The notion that everything will automatically fall into line just because we are forgiven is dangerous and may lead to presuming upon God. All things are not made new again by shedding a few tears and turning over what's left to the Lord. We still have to live with the consequences. An experience on the New Jersey Turnpike reminded me of this sobering truth. Thinking I would recognize the best route to Philadelphia when I would come to it, I paid no attention to the map until I saw the right turnoff fading in the distance in my rearview mirror. All my good intentions and regrets at not being more careful didn't change the fact that I was on a limited-access toll road. I had no alternative but to put a lot of extra miles between me and the best route to Philadelphia. By the time I finally got there, rush-hour traffic and a splitting headache had become painful reminders that wisdom is more than an afterthought, even though we can learn from our mistakes. In the spiritual realm, we often get into similar situations. We disregard the call of wisdom now, all we can do later is ask the Lord's grace to overrule our blundering. Thank God, He will! But it is often accompanied by much pain and heartache. How much better it is to keep the principles of God's Word before us rather than watch them slip by in the rearview mirror of regret. -M.R.D.II In every step, in every stride, I'll let the Savior be my guide; His Word, His love, I will embrace, And let His wisdom set the pace. GOD WILL FORGIVE WHEN WE'VE SOWN AMISS, BUT THE HARVEST OF SORROW WE CANNOT MISS...... This was obtained off the PTL.BBS, Sysop: Wolf Gerhardt.