ONE GOD Author: Jim Fox The following is a list of verses that help to show that Jesus is God! I will list words that are used to describe God in the Old Testament, and show where in the New Testament the same words are used to describe Jesus! See if you can find more instances of this than I did. **************** CREATOR **************** God is Creator Genesis 1:1 Job 33:4 Isaiah 40:28 Jesus is Creator John 1:1-3 Colosians 1:12-17 Hebrews 1:8-12 *************** FIRST & LAST *************** God is First and Last Isaiah 41:4 Isaiah 44:6 Isaiah 48:12 Jesus is First and Last Revelation 1:17 Revelation 2:8 Revelation 22:13 *************** I AM *************** God is I am Exodus 3:13,14 Dueteronomy 32:39 Isaiah 43:10 Jesus is I am John 8:24,58 John 13:19 John 18:5 ************** JUDGE ************** God is Judge Genesis 18:25 Psalm 96:13 Joel 3:12 Jesus is Judge 2 Timothy 4:1 2 Corinthian 5:10 Romans 14:10-12 ************* KING ************* God is King Psalm 47 Isaiah 44:6-8 Jeremiah 10:10 Jesus is King Matthew 2:1-6 John 19:21 1 Timothy 6:13-16 ************* LIGHT ************* God is Light Psalm 27:1 Isaiah 60:20 Jesus is Light John 1:9 John 8:12 ************* SAVIOUR ************* God is Saviour Psalm 106:21 Isaiah 43:3,11 Isaiah 45:21-23 Jesus is Saviour John 4:42 Acts 4:10-12 1 John 4:14 ************* SHEPHERD ************* God is our Shepherd Psalm 23 Psalm 100:3 Isaiah 40:11 Jesus is our Shepherd John 10:11 Hebrews 13:20 1 Peter 5:4 ************** REDEEMER ************** God is a Redeemer Hosea 2:16 Hosea 13:14 Isaiah 62:5 Jesus is a Redeemer Revelation 5:9 Revelation 21:2 Matthew 25:1 ************** ROCK ************** God is a Rock Psalm 18:2 Jesus is a Rock 1 Corinthians 10:4 ************** GLORIFIED ************** God is Glorified Isaiah 42:8 Isaiah 48:11 Jesus is Glorified John 17:1 John 17:5 ************** UNCHANGEABLE ************** God is Unchangeable Malachi 3:6 Jesus is Unchangeable Hebrews 13:8 Following is a list of other ways that the God of the Old Testament is the same as the Jesus of the New Testament. *************** RAISED THE DEAD *************** God Raised the Dead 1 Samuel 2:6 Jesus Raised the Dead John 5:21 *************** FORGAVE SINS *************** God Forgave Sins Jeremiah 31:34 Jesus Forgave Sins Mark 2:7,10 ***************** CONFESSED AS LORD ***************** God is Confessed as Lord Isaiah 45:23 Jesus is Confessed as Lord Philippians 2:11 ******************* ADDRESSED IN PRAYER ******************* God is Addressed in Prayer Daniel 6:10 Jesus is Addressed in Prayer Acts 7:59 ****************** CREATED THE ANGELS ****************** God Created the Angels Psalm 148:5 Jesus Created the Angels Colosians 1:16 ************************ WORSHIPPED BY THE ANGELS ************************ God is Worshipped by the Angels Psalm 148:2 Jesus is Worshipped by the Angels Hebrews 1:6 Sources: The Open Bible (NASB) Youngs Analytical Concordance Christian Theology by Bancroft Be Victorious by Wiersbe Counterfeits at your Door by Bjornstad JESUS IS GOD Author: Jim Fox From the beginning of His ministry Jesus Christ claimed equality with God, in some very clear and unmistakeable statements. Jesus equated a person's attitude toward Himself, with that person's attitude toward God. Following is a short list showing this. In seeing Jesus, they were seeing God. John 14:9 In knowing Jesus, they were knowing God. John 8:19 In believing Jesus, they were believing God. John 12:44 In recieving Jesus, they were recieving God. Mark 9:37 In honoring Jesus, they were honoring God. John 5:23 In hating Jesus, they were hating God. John 15:23 Jesus referred to Himself as "the Son" (Matt 11:27), and to God as "the Father" (John 5:19) or "My Father" (Matthew 7:21). In Jewish thought, "son of" implies equality of identical nature. Thus when Jesus said He was the "Son of God", He identified Himself as God and equal with the Father. The Jews understood what Jesus was saying, and so accused Him of blasphemey (John 19:17, John 5:18). Sources: The Open Bible (NASB) Youngs Analytical Concordance Christian Theology by Bancroft