WHY WE BELIEVE IN GOD'S LOVE In today's world, believers are constantly beset by non- believers with questions. One of the most prominent of these is: "What happens to people who never hear of Christ - are they condemned to Hell by God?" I have many times fielded this question and relied on the teachings of other apologists for my answer, usually to the effect that "God is shown as merciful and full of love and would not condemn anyone for not hearing of His Son's name". This answer, as good as it is, does not really explore all the facets of the question. The question of innocence is implied in the question, and this matter is not dealt with. In my prayer before studying for this lesson, I asked the Lord to assist me in finding the answer that would be applied to questions of this nature. I believe that He answered this prayer in directing me to Romans 1. I have read this section many times, but this time verses 18 to 21 really became "alive" and jumped at me. Lets read Romans 1:18-21 *** READ *** Here we have Paul actually telling us the answer to these questions in more detail than most questioners could have imagined. The WRATH OF GOD is not directed against innocence or ignorance but is directed against (1) ungodliness and (2) wickedness. What is the specific act of ungodliness that provokes the WRATH OF GOD? - Supressing the truth! What Truth? Let's look at verse 19-21. Here we have what is referred to as a General Revelation which is general in character by its content and by its audience. Content because it does not provide a specific or detailed description of God - the TRINITY is not revealed here, etc. God reveals that (1) HE IS and (2) HE HAS ETERNAL POWER AND DEITY. The audience is general in that this revelation is directed to all mankind and not to a specific group. WHAT IS REVEALED? 1. It is CLEAR and unambiguous - the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD IS NOT OBSCURE! "It has been shown (manifest) to them" [19] "It has been clearly perceived (seen) by all mankind" [20] 2. The message GETS THROUGH! God never provides an insight into Himself that may or may not be received. These verses show "THEY KNEW GOD [21]." Our problem is not that we don't KNOW GOD but that we refuse to acknowledge what we DO KNOW to be of God. 3. We find the revelation has been (and is and will continue to be) going on since the foundation of the world - not a ONCE FOR ALL situation but CONTINUAL and CONSTANT. [20] 4. The revelation comes by way of creation. God's invisible nature is revealed "through the things that are made" - In other words, all of God's creation is a theater to display the nature of its creator. 5. It is sufficient to render ALL MANKIND "without excuse". (What EXCUSE was Paul addressing? What excuse could this general revelation eliminate?) IGNORANCE In the "SHORTER CATECHISM", the Roman Catholics have a doctrine of VINCIBLE AND INVINCIBLE IGNORANCE". Vincible ignorance "Could and should be overcome and is inexcusable" while INVINCIBLE "cannot be overcome and is, therefore excusable". **** PARABLE OF TRAFFIC TICKETS **** (Teacher's note: I use a story of driving into XXXX town and turn right on a red light and I am pulled over by the police of XXX town and given a ticket - this is Vincible ignorance in that by driving my car into XXX I should have become aware of their traffic laws, etc. Now if XXX's town council had secretly passed a law that made it against the law to go through an intersection on a "green" light then I would have INVINCIBLE ignorance and not be liable to the law for violation of that law. I believe that this doctrine is a valid and correct interpretation of what God intends for mankind. A person may be excused for not hearing the name of Christ but he will not be excused for claiming not to know God. WHAT ABOUT THE NATIVES WHO WORSHIP GOD AS SOMETHING ELSE? Cows, Totem Poles, Idols or other forms are addressed in the remaining verses of 22-25 and given a concise answer. Pagan religions are not derived from a sincere or honest attempt or search to find the "ONE AND TRUE GOD" but are created out of a fundamental rejection of God's self revelation. ** READ ROMANS 2:15 ** Here we have "Law written on their hearts". What does this mean to you? Mankind is ALWAYS devising laws and "ethics" - and man is always breaking them. These are the laws that Paul mentions here. Every group discovered has developed social laws of right and wrong. Where do they come up with these "universal" laws? From their hearts and what they perceive from God's creation. Therefore, a man in the remote parts of the world will NOT be condemned for never hearing of Jesus. He will not be punished for that - he will stand on judgment for the rejection of the Father and the DISOBEDIENCE to the laws in his own heart. If all men have heard of the Father but rejected Him, then it follows that all men need to know of the redemption offered through CHRIST. To have no knowledge of Christ is to be in jeopardy due to he prior rejection of the revelations of the Father. To hear of Christ and reject HIM is a state of DOUBLE JEOPARDY. Now, not only has the Father been rejected, but the Son as well! Now the meaning of the "TWO-EDGED" sword is deepened. Those who believe in the Father and the Son find the sword "sweet with victory" while those who reject God and His Son find the sword DEATH. ** READ ROMANS 10:14,15 ** Now we find in these verses that (1) No Man is not aware of God the Father and the fact that He is invisible (2) that He is the creator of all things and (3) that mankind ALWAYS operates by some set of laws that, at their foundation closely resemble God's laws of right and wrong. It is these laws that a man will violate and thus be in loss of His soul --- BUT we are told by verses 14,15 that it is OUR duty to see to it that THEY DO HEAR. We must SEND preachers (missionaries) into their midst (if we are not the missionary being sent)! In Ezekiel, we have the story of the watchman and the admonition that "if the watchman seeth the sword coming and calls not a warning -- the loss of their blood shall be upon the watchman's head". Our responsibility and our duty to Jesus, our Lord, is to make certain, within the abilities given us by God, that every tongue shall hear of our Lord. CFC-Sysop - San Jose