__________________________________________________________________ | B I B L E B U L L E T I N Number 5 | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | The World's Greatest Sinner | | | | Are there sins that are too great for God to forgive? The | | answer is "no." In fact, the worst sinner of "all-time" has | | already been forgiven. His name is the Apostle Paul. | | | | Paul claimed that, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save | | sinners -- of whom I am the worst" (1 Timothy 1:15). Paul | | testified of his life prior to his conversion that, "I was once | | a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man...I put many of | | the saints [Christians] in prison, and when they were put to | | death, I cast my vote against them" (1 Timothy 1:13; Acts | | 26:10). He was responsible for the mass murder of men and | | women as he sought to destroy Christianity (Acts 8:3; 26:10). | | | | Jesus chose to save Paul because he was the worst sinner who | | would ever live in order to display him as an example of His | | unlimited patience with sinful men (1 Timothy 1:16). If Paul | | was not the worst sinner then Jesus' example would be invalid. | | | | Because the worst sinner has been saved there is hope for us | | all. No matter what our sin is, (i.e., Abortion, Murder, | | Drunkenness, Homosexuality, Divorce, Slander, Lying, Stealing, | | Pride, etc.), Jesus proved His willingness to save us and | | cleanse us of all sins. We need only to bow before Jesus Christ | | and confess our sins to receive the same forgiveness Paul did. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | Presented by | | Bible Bulletin Board, P.O. Box 115, Galveston, IN 46932 | |__________________________________________________________________|