__________________________________________________________________ | B I B L E B U L L E T I N Number 12 | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Is Abortion Murder? | | | | The caption on a poster of a month old baby girl read, "If you | | killed me today it would be murder, but if you killed me two | | months ago it would be called abortion!" Are the 4,200 | | abortions we Americans perform each day premeditated murders? | | | | In Exodus 21:22-25 God declares that if men are fighting and | | hit a pregnant woman and the baby within her is killed, the men | | are to be put to death for murder. God views an unborn baby a | | person whose murder requires the death penalty. | | | | In Psalm 139:13 we find God directly creating in the womb of a | | woman, "You created my inmost being; you knit me together in | | my mother's womb." The child is a human from conception, | | "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..." (Jeremiah 1:5). | | In Luke 1:44 evidence that the unborn child is a being capable | | of thoughts and feelings is given when Elizabeth, who was | | pregnant with John the Baptist, spoke to Mary, pregnant with | | Jesus, saying "As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my | | ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy." | | | | God intended a woman's womb to be the place where a new life | | would be initiated and formed. We have often made it the scene | | of brutal slayings of helpless little humans. We need to judge | | ourselves before God requires settlement for this bloodshed. | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------| | Presented by | | Bible Bulletin Board, P.O. Box 115, Galveston, IN 46932 | |__________________________________________________________________|