PERFECT FOR ALL TIME Some confused Christians have the tragic belief that they became Christians by faith, but they must perform certain works in order to maintain their standing before God. Any system that says that ANYTHING must be added to the grace of God is a false gospel. The salvation which Jesus Christ purchased at Calvary for believers was "PAID IN FULL" then and there. The Bible says, "For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified." (Hebrews 10:14 NAS) True believers are made holy--sanctified--by the sacrificial offering of Jesus Christ. His death and His Resurrection -victory over death have purchased a salvation which is good "for all time". The word here translated "perfect" includes the idea of being made complete and mature. There IS something for the believer to do, but obedience is BECAUSE we are saved, not IN ORDER to be saved or to STAY saved. A believer in Christ Jesus has no reason at all to feel insecure or incomplete or inadequate. The Christian's EXPERIENCE is a growth process by stages. First, we're "born again" (John 3:1-21), then we "grow" as Christians (II Peter 3:18), but the offering that purchased it was once-for-all, paid-in-full, and perfect for all time. We encourage you to read for yourself the letters of Peter, the Gospel and letters of John, and if you want heavier references to the Hebrew Scriptures, the Gospel of Matthew and the letter to the Hebrews. If you want a secure, fully paid-for eternity with Jesus, put your trust in Him as your Savior and Lord RIGHT NOW. [Clyde Price, Arrows33]