BE RECONCILED "God ...reconciled us (believers) to Himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation." (II Corinthians 5:18 NAS) God's plan for reconciling the world to Himself is to "offer His terms of peace" to this rebellious world through other human beings who have already been reconciled to Him. Just as the only people who can effectively sell food supplements are people who TAKE what they're selling, the best method of telling people about the eternal life found in Jesus Christ is by word of mouth from real people who already have it. If a particular vitamin salesman (or vitamin user) looks unkempt and grungy, it wouldn't be logical to let the person's appearance cast doubt on the vitamin company. Even a slob needs good nutrition. Some of the people in this world who have found forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus Christ do not look very impressive. And many, probably most, of us are being dealt with by God as He brings problem areas into the light to resolve them an area at a time. The fact that God's people have visible problems should not devalue our testimony, but rather confirm the fact that we are real people living in a real world in fellowship with the only real God. Even if some of us are not "dressed for success", we're eager to give our "testimonials" about what a difference Jesus Christ has made in our lives. In the chapter quoted above, Paul explains how Jesus Christ became an offering for sin who laid down His life to be a substitute-sacrifice, as an act of love; and He rose again from the dead on behalf of believers. Paul explains that believers who are captivated and mastered by the love of Christ are compelled by His powerful love to go out and boldly proclaim and urge and compel others to come. We are putting out articles and pamphlets, and urging people to read their own Bibles, and going out to meet people face to face because we want to help YOU make your reconciliation with God through faith in Jesus Christ. That's our most important ministry. We want you to encounter the Lord Jesus for yourself, and become a "new creature" in Him. Read about Him for yourself in the New Testament, and put your trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. Do it RIGHT NOW.