ONLY ONE WAY "Oh, I believe there are many ways to God. Don't you believe that there will be people from all religions in heaven?" No, that's not what the Bible teaches. Peter proclaimed to the city leaders of Jerusalem, "Salvation is to be found through him (Jesus of Nazareth) alone; in all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us." (Acts 4:12 GNB) Jesus Christ is God's ONLY answer to the sin-problem. He is the only one who ever died as a substitute for sinners and rose again victorious from the dead. He has the right to say, "I am the Way, one comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14:6), because He is the only One who opened that way with the blood-sacrifice of Himself. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus Christ is the pre-existent God the Son, the creator and sustainer of the universe, the virgin-born Lamb of God, the Crucified and Risen Lord. Any religion which fails to recognize Jesus of Nazareth as all this is a false religion. (This includes apostate forms of historic "churchianity".) If you are in a group or under a pastor that disbelieves in Jesus, GET OUT! There are many religions in this world, but there is only one way to heaven. His name is Jesus. Trust Him today, the Christ of the Scriptures; trust Him alone, and not in combination with your own works or anything else. We challenge you to read the Bible for yourself, beginning in the 4th book in the New Testament, the Gospel of John. We urge you to find a local church that holds to the Bible as the inerrant rule for faith and practice, and which is seeking to share the Good News and make disciples at home and all over the world.