"I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH YET" Have you ever frantically straightened your living room just before company came over? Or maybe asked someone not to come over just now because you felt your home was too messy? Some folks have that same feeling about receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. They don't want to "join the church" or "go down front" yet--different things from being BORN AGAIN--because they want to clean up their messy lives, at least a little bit, first. If you feel this way, QUIT HOLDING OFF. Here's why: NO ONE is able to become "good enough." That was the reason the sinless Messiah died on the cross as the Sin-bearing Lamb, so that every sinner who trusts in Him can be forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life. Jesus Christ is the ONLY ONE who was ever "good enough." He offers His full and free salvation ONLY to people who are NOT "good enough." Doctor Luke records, "And Jesus answered and said to them, `Those who are well do not need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.'" (Luke 5:31-32 NKJ) If you think you are "good enough" for God on your own, then we don't have any good news for you at all. If you think you're already "righteous", you might even be getting very angry right about now. But if you realize that you are a sinner, we call on you to turn in repentance and faith to our Great Physician. Jesus Christ is "good for what ails you." Read more about Him in the New Testament. But don't wait. Trust Him NOW. [Clyde Price, Arrows16]