"I DON'T UNDERSTAND" One really big problem that we Christians have in trying to share our message is that it is so SIMPLE, some people think there must be more to it. They object, "Hey, wait now! This is TOO simple. Where's the catch? I don't understand." The simple truth is that God not only offers you forgiveness and eternal life through faith in His Son Jesus Christ; but He also COMMANDS you to abandon whatever value-system you did have and to adopt His values, His ways, and His objectives, to be pursued in His power. Jesus promises that you can be SURE of the Truth for yourself, but the condition is that you FIRST submit your will to God with a commitment to OBEY the Truth that He shows you. The Lord Jesus said, "If anyone wants to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority." (John 7:17 NKJ) FIRST, make your commitment to the Truth; THEN set out to read straight through the Gospel of John several times, asking God to show you (inwardly) whether this is Truth or not. We confidently expect you to find the Truth in the person of our Lord Jesus, Israel's Messiah, and in the Old and New Covenants which we accept as God's holy and inerrant Word. Don't wait until you understand all the details: Put your trust in the Lord Jesus, right now.