Question #2 "This week in the newspaper, it was reported that some experts," in fact they called them Biblical Scholars, I read the article," met to discuss the Scriptures, regarding the Second Coming of Christ. And they voted. And twenty-seven out of thirty, of the scholars, voted that Christ did not promise to return a second time. So the article in the Daily News, I think it was, said that, 'Bible Scholars now agree, that Christ will not return a second time, and its foolish for us to start a cult of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, because Biblical Scholars now know, He never said that He would come again.'" Answer #2 That's difficult to understand in the light of the fact of several things, but one Scripture that comes to mind, that seems to me to be rather significant, Jesus said this, "Heaven and Earth will pass away, my words will not pass away, but of that day and hour knows no one, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone, for the coming of the Son of Man, will be just like the days of Noah" Then he goes on to describe the coming of the Son of Man, and then that's Matthew 24, in Matthew 25, we find again that He's going to come, and when He comes, He is going to bring about judgment on the earth. Verse 31, "When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him . . . ." Now how can twenty-seven Bible Scholars vote that, that's not in the Bible? You say, "How can they do that?" Well, they just eliminate that verse. They just say, "Well, that doesn't mean what it says, and Jesus didn't really say that, somebody fabricated that, someone said He said that, and so forth and so on. You know, one of the distinguishing marks of the Christian Church, from the very outset, has been a hope in the Coming of Christ. In 1Thessalonians Chapter 1, it says, "For they themselves report about us what kind of a reception we had with you. How you turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven." That's basic to the life of the Church. Peter calls it, "A living hope." We have a living hope in Christ's return, in spite of what these men say. We have to come up with a new definition of scholars, I think. Here's another question of a different nature. And by the way, these are not necessarily related, I want to cover as many as I can. So I won't take a lot of time on them.