INS:Sanctified Gossip by R. S. Nance "I want to tell you something, Dear Please promise not to spread it A matter you will not believe Be patient and I'll tell it. It's something we should pray about Not gossip, it's all true No further please I ask of you Don't let your tongue be loose. The Pastor's wife just told me this She heard in Sunday School I promised not to tell a soul Of course, I CAN tell you..." On and on, it goes all day Why can't we hold our tongues? Gossip always smells the same However wrapped it comes. Psalm 52:4, 120:2, Proverbs 10:12, 10:20, 15:2, 15:4, 17:4, Proverbs 17:9, 17:20, 21:23, 31:26 James 1:26, 3:6, 3:8 I Peter 3:10 (c) Copyright 1989 R. S. Nance All Rights Reserved