INS:John's School of Discipleship Have you enrolled in John's school of discipleship? He was continually controlled by his enjoyment of Christ's love for him, not his love for Christ. Discipleship is a matter of the HEART first, not the head. It begins with the heart at conversion - Romans 10:9, 10. It continues with the heart - Psalm 27:8; Proverbs 4:23. It worked with John. 1. IT WAS THE SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL NEARNESS TO CHRIST - John 13:23-26. He claimed to be one of the disciples whom Jesus loved, but came nearer to Jesus' bosom than others. Peter was not near enough and requested John to ask the Lord his question. The word "lying" in the Greek Text implies that John drew closer to Christ. Do you ever feel near enough to the Lord? Why do we not draw closer, for He loved us! - John 13:1. We can learn the secrets of His heart! 2. IT WAS THE SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL STRENGTH - John 19:25-27. John was the only apostle that stood by the Cross in company with the women. When ALL the world had rejected the Holy Sufferer, John stayed to the end (John 19:35), sharing His reproach. Can you and I stand alone against the whole world with our rejected Lord? Only His love can enable us to do this! It did for Paul - Galatians 6:14. 3. IT WAS THE SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL PROGRESS - John 20:2-4. Why did John outrun Peter to the empty tomb? It was the deep consciousness of the love of Christ that impelled him. It was the lack of it that caused Peter to be slower, for he had denied his Lord! Yes, he knew the Lord and boasted that he loved Him. "Knowledge puffeth up, but love edifieth" - Paul wrote to the Carnal Corinthians (Ch. 8:1). To the Galatian believers Paul wrote - "Ye did run well, what did hinder you?" (Galatians 5:7). Their vaunted superior knowledge implanted by false teachers affected their hearts. We make little or no spiritual progress when we fail to be enjoying the love of Christ! 4. IT WAS THE SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL PERCEPTION - John 21:7. In the early morning mist it was only John who recognized the voice of the Lord and distinguished His blessed Person out of the seven disciples in the boat. "The disciple whom Jesus loved" had deeper perception and clearer vision than the others! His revelation - "It is the Lord" gave spiritual impetus to Peter at once as he "cast himself into the sea" toward his master he loved. How much we need disciples today, like John, who can reveal the Person of Christ to our hearts! 5. IT WAS THE SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL OBEDIENCE - John 21:20-23. Peter, though restored, turns about to see John, "the disciple whom Jesus loved", following. Curious about John's future path, the Lord virtually says - "None of your business - follow thou me". The disciple who enjoyed in his heart the love of Jesus had no need of the admonition - "Follow me". He followed without being commanded, so dear was the Lord's love to him. Also, Jesus may have intimated that if John lived until the Saviour returneth back to earth, John would still be following Him! Is this true of us today? Why not enroll in John's school of discipleship? Registration fee is a heart that enjoys the love of Christ! The textbook is your Bible where you learn more of His love! Paul knew this, for "the love of Christ" to him was INSEPERABLE (Romans 8:35) IMPELLING (2 Cor. 5:14) and INFINITE (Eph. 3:19). This technological, sophisticated world can rob us of that simplicity of heart that should be enjoying the love of Christ. Then fill me, O my Saviour, with Thy love! Lead, lead me to the living fount above; Thither may I, in simple faith draw nigh, And never to another fountain fly BUT UNTO THEE! (Shekleton) Published by J.W. Bramhall Radio Fund Inc. 2309 Commonwealth Ave. Charlotte, NC 28205